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Messages - AaronPDX

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Grandvista 250 / Re: UBS (United Braking System) and high speed?
« on: July 07, 2015, 05:35:21 AM »
Hi Carter! I know you from previous service to my 2006 burgundy People 150. Glad to see you here, and a Hero Member no less! Actually you were the one who recommended I look into the GV for a better ergonomic fit. So I bought it via Craigslist from original owner who got it from you guys. It is a more comfortable ride, though I'm still getting used to smaller wheels... I felt a bit safer on the People!

UBS is the term used in the manual. I figured they were talking about brakes locking up; I just wondered if I had to avoid applying both brakes at high speeds, and instead favor the left?  Anyway, good to hear it's not too easy to lock them.

I am experiencing a couple issues so far: high noise at above 35 mph, probably made worse by a partial-face helmet; and the seat not releasing sometimes. Is that 2nd one a known issue? I'm not sure what the fix is.


Grandvista 250 / Re: Considering a Grand Vista
« on: July 06, 2015, 08:13:03 PM »
RE: rear seat comfort... I removed the backrest and put metal screws and washers in to fill the holes (probably not the best long term solution but working for now). Comfort is pretty good.

There is the option to adjust 'load condition rear cushion' (love these translations, not), which I have not done. It's an adjustment to the spring. 3 possible positions. This is on p. 18 of the manual. I'm not sure what this means though:
'When you adjust rear cushion, the spring preload of rear cushions on either side must be the same.'

Grandvista 250 / UBS (United Braking System) and high speed?
« on: July 06, 2015, 08:05:58 PM »
Hi all. My first post here, as a new Grand Vista 250 (2008) owner. Formerly had a People 150.

First off, great forum; thanks!

Does anyone have advice on how to use the brakes? The manual says "apply right lever will cause the scooter to slip during riding at high speed." Does that mean I should only use the left lever at high speeds, since it apparently "will actuate UBS that brake both front and rear wheel" ?

And I assume 'high speeds' means anything over 45 mph?

Thanks in advance...

Grandvista 250 / Re: Grand Vista Repair Manual
« on: June 05, 2015, 06:13:15 AM »
Thank you so much!

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