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Messages - Portland Steve

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General Discussion / Re: Hey Kymco! Listen Up!
« on: June 10, 2011, 02:58:22 PM »
Axy has a point, as usual, but I do think that Kymco can increase profit by offering a bit more info on their products.
Yes, they would need to devote a small portion of revenue to a small team to do this.  I'm not asking for on-line or phone-in support, just a shout out to us do it yourself types.
I could get parts for my Yamaha FZ1, OEM or aftermarket for just about anything.  Service manuals were likewise easy to find.
Having a strong aftermarket and parts availability can only strengthen a brand, in my opinion.
The folks who take their rides into the shop the minute that something goes wrong, will always do so.
I don't see any loss in profit for Kymco to step up and give us a little of the inside scoop.
Also, I can't believe that Kymco does not have an eye on this forum...

General Discussion / Hey Kymco! Listen Up!
« on: June 09, 2011, 03:23:41 PM »
Hey Kymco!

We like your scooters but getting parts is difficult and confusing.
It would save us all a lot of headaches if you would just post information on engine parts, where to get shop manuals, etc.
Make your products even better by offering good on-line support!


Agility 125 / Re: Please Help!!
« on: June 09, 2011, 03:20:30 PM »
GY6 125 cc parts seem to be what to look at.  Exhausts, intake and drive train should work in general and there are lots of suppliers, but do more research on engine parts.

Agility 125 / Re: Electrical issues
« on: June 09, 2011, 03:17:23 PM »
Here is a link to the service manual for starters.

Kymco Agility 125 Service Manual

It sounds like you have a short in there someplace.
Take the front plastics off and have a good look for exposed/melted wiring.
There should be a fuse box in there someplace.  I didn't have time to take a good look at the manual but I can't believe that there isn't one.
Electrical problems are the worst.
Your battery may need replacing too given the age of the bike. 

« on: June 09, 2011, 03:08:14 PM »
big bore kit?
Well hell yes!  If you have to replace it anyway.

General Discussion / Re: ouch, I think I screwed up!
« on: June 09, 2011, 03:04:38 PM »
Ouch is right.  Sounds like you blew the head gasket, at the very least.
Are you looking for advice or just sympathy?  I feel your pain.
If it is turning over then it is not seized, which is hopeful.
Looks like you have a little project on your hands or your mechanic will be excited to see you.
Look for parts for GY6 50cc engines.  Get a big bore kit if you are interested in more power.
Good luck

General Discussion / Re: carb
« on: June 08, 2011, 08:02:36 PM »
If it is the liquid stuff, I hate it.
Try to get the actual gasket material if you can.

General Discussion / Re: Kymco Super 8 questions
« on: June 08, 2011, 08:00:54 PM »
The frames must be very similar if not identical.
Your engine will be the 50cc GY6 and there should be lots of parts.
Be careful buying parts as quality is all over the place and may not do much for you.

« on: June 08, 2011, 07:45:52 PM »
Try and google "GY6 125cc engine".  Check for the engine number near the bottom front of your engine.
Is it something like 136GMB?  Google this number to find an engine.
As mentioned above, you could just rebuild the head.
Did you forget to put oil in it or something?

Good luck

Super 8 / Re: cvt temp. seems way to high
« on: June 06, 2011, 03:51:20 PM »
Maybe figure out a way to add a larger funnel at the front of the intake snorkel? 
They do make covers that expose the variator and clutch, but that obviously wont keep the rain out.

Super 8 / Re: Suspension upgrade options
« on: June 06, 2011, 03:43:19 PM »
It certainly seems like the frame sizes would be the same. 
In fact, it seems like the forks and shocks would be the same as well.
Suspension is always a good thing to upgrade on any bike if you can afford it.

Super 8 150 / Replacement clutch for Super 8 150
« on: June 06, 2011, 03:36:44 PM »

I have been having trouble with my stock clutch.  It seems that after 3000 miles the clutch was protesting by being grabby and jerky. 
I tried cleaning the thing and roughing up the pads, but that only helped temporarily.
I did a little research and found a good price on clutches (Velocita Performance Clutch $42) for the GY6 (Monster GY6 parts), which Kymco uses for the engine and drive train for the Super 8.  The clutch I received was blue and looked different that the picture, but as you will see below, this was not a problem.
Along with the clutch, I ordered the recommended yellow torque spring for $14.
The part came via FedEx this past Saturday in a nice compact box.  This was less than a week after I placed the order with ground shipping.
I have had the belt cover and clutch off many times, so that was no problem.  Getting the large nut off the clutch assembly was a little tricky.
I had to use two clamps to secure the thing to a post.  I then was able to muscle off the nut with a pair of large pliers, which is not the right tool, but I don't have an adjustable wrench that large.  In any case, it worked.  Be careful here as the whole assembly is spring loaded and will come apart quickly.

I was worried that this would be the wrong part, but it fit perfectly!  I needed my wife to screw on the nut as I held the assembly together, but it all went together well.
The whole job only took about an hour.   

Let's face it, I was not hoping for my scooter to become a torque monster, and it didn't.  What I did get was a nice smooth clutch feel, which is exactly what I wanted.
The better feel is more apparent when the bike is warmed up.

I was temped to get Monster GY6's "Power Pack 2", which includes the performance variator and weights.  This probably would have increased torque a bit, but I am not complaining.  Check out Monster GY6's hot rod scooters while you are looking at their website.

Technical | How To / Re: Belt Size for 2009 Super 8 150?
« on: May 31, 2011, 06:03:10 PM »

Worth a shot.

I sent them an e-mail, but I won't hold my breath.

Agility 50 / Re: Did I get a good deal, or ripped off?
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:59:56 PM »
Never buy new.  You will always loose out.
Never finance your ride either.
But, it is still less expensive than a car, so...

Agility 50 / Re: Ethanol
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:57:43 PM »
Ethanol is distilled and has a small amount of water in it, which can cause problems in small and older engines.
Also, ethanol is the biggest scam on the tax paying public!  Did you know that it takes as much energy to make ethanol as you can get out of ethanol.
Our government subsidized the production of corn for ethanol production.  It may keep some farmers in business, but it is a waste of money otherwise.
We should be using sugar cane to make fuel where you can get 8 times the energy out that you put in. ???

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