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Messages - jigglypuff

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Weird noise - valve tapping or what? (incl. recording)
« on: September 20, 2015, 11:20:43 AM »
Not too long ago I've bought a second hand Kymco Agility 50 2012. The problem is that it makes this noise (link below) when riding. It happens when accelerating and it also stays at the top speed (~30mph). Sound is coming from somewhere below the seat area or the back. Also this sound is much more audible than it feels in the video, for example when I pass somebody with my scoot, they instantly ask why does it sound like that.

Figured it might be valve clearance, so I've checked that. It was as it is recommended: ~0.08mm. But does this noise even sound like valve problem? If so, which direction should I try, tighter/looser? If not valves, what else could it be? I had also opened the variator and checked the rolls, they seemed ok.

Overall performance is good, except the problem with bogging down from idle (changed carb for that, didn't help) - that may or may not be related.

Any suggestion, tips? what would be your guess where this sound could be coming from?

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