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Messages - Jules01983

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Re: Bystarter valve spec
« on: October 01, 2015, 07:18:01 PM »
Thank you JayAre, I did see that but was hoping someone might have a known good unit in their spares that they could just quickly measure and post the valve length when it is cold (ie, open). I guess I'll have to perform the "blow test" which is a pig as the connection in the cable seems to be jammed up under the fuel tank.

Agility 50 / Bystarter valve spec
« on: September 27, 2015, 05:34:10 PM »
Hi, I've read quite a bit about the troubles with the bystarter valve. I have read the manual that describes the testing procedure but that only tests the resistance of the heater coil within the unit. Does any one have the measurements for the valve slide in the valve open (shortest length from plastic housing to base of slide) and closed ( longest)? The valve in my daughters 'ped is 10mm at its shortest but the 'ped is really hard to start when cold. Squeezing the air intake hose flat helps to start it but it takes a good 5 minutes before you can actually ride it away. Knowing the travel would greatly help in determining functionality of the valve.

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