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Messages - HillsOhNo

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General Discussion / Re: Fiddles and Boss`es etc
« on: October 06, 2009, 07:59:02 PM »
Hi is getting the clutch out and the spring in an OK job, we managed OK with the variator, in fact the hardest job was getting the cover back on with the gasket in place, what a chuff on etc.

You know if you lived in a much flatter area and had the 4t this little bike would be superb.

Best Mark.

General Discussion / Re: Fiddles and Boss`es etc
« on: October 06, 2009, 07:38:41 PM »
H Chaps so in that sense have I got this right, as now we are better on hills though a bit too revvy generally, and we suffer higher up etc, ease off you get a drop or and  less smooth ride etc on the flat and so on.

Will the 5.1 rollers take us a bit further away from possibly damging the engine.

I was told they were 6 grams as std by kymco but they felt very heavy so maybe higher ??

Anyone know the weight on the agility and super 8 4t usually thanks ???

So with the white spring popped in the standard clutch with say the 5.5 rollers if 6 was std we will get back to nice smooth riding, and less dippy doings and gear naffy,s if you will, that will all be as nice and smooth again but we will get the clucth now just sensing to go down when there is more hilly load if you will, not just backing off the throttle.

Many Thanks Mark.

PS do you think it will have coped with the bit of possible over revving ???

General Discussion / Re: Fiddles and Boss`es etc
« on: October 06, 2009, 06:22:35 PM »
So in that sense we could do with 5,5 gram rollers and a stronger ??? main clutch spring please.

Any suggestons on the right one please.

Will that mean a quicker down shift on hills to keep the revs up please ???

Many Thanks Mark.

General Discussion / Re: Fiddles and Boss`es etc
« on: October 06, 2009, 05:56:13 PM »
Hi well its improved on the hills but I think on here as sugessted they are too light as too revvy now, great on the hills but on the flat etc it gets a bit sort of bogged down a bit sort of fuel blocked feeling as soon as you ease off the throttle a bit and less free flowing if you will. Gear change etc is less smooth.

The scooter place chap had suggested 4.5,s so I went for 4.7s.

Anyway we got the smooth variator and washer needed today and tomorrow are putting it in with some 5.1 weights for now.

But I think as suggested on here we should try the heavier 3 x small springs on the clutch 2000 rpm,s ??? with say 5.5 rollers ???

Does that mean it will  set off with a bit more zipp but also change down quicker on hills please ???

Any thoughts best Mark.

We`ve done 100 miles with it over revving a bit do you think it will be OK ???

General Discussion / Fiddles and Boss`es etc
« on: October 04, 2009, 09:12:06 PM »
Well today we fitted the 4.7 rollers, crikey its revvy now so may think about 5.0 grams, but its a great improvement on hills.

Did the CDi and popped in an 85 jet as well.

Also while we were doing the rollers noticed the variator boss has a 2mm rim around on toothed sprocket end, that if you pushed it over when holding the variator went in to the roller side and sat away flush.

I thought the unrestriced boss was all the way smooth, looks as if the belt would run a bit on this in low gear ???

Odd thing on the workshop manual downloaded  from this site it shows this boss 2mm rim on the exploded view as the other way round ??? ie on the roller side.

Then on a shot futher down mentions this rim on the sprocket side, as I say it will seat all the way in but I think I would prefer the smooth one.

Anyway I went and rode up a 4 mile quite steep hill my son had tackled on it and only did a quite feeble feeling 15mph, but today although I`m a bit heavier than him I rode up at 25-32 as it undulates a bit, certainly although going rev happy it felt far more tollerable though still behind a 2 stroke.

Also tackled a 1.3 hill it just about conked on before and it went up at 15 feeling fairly good then went to about 22 further up.

Also between 30 and 40 just feels more comfy power wise and seem to zip a little better.

Not sure what the fuel wil be like now with the mods, we shall see etc. Its below normal useage anyway round here as one long set of climbs.

Anyway thanks for all advices etc, if anyone has any thoughts on the variator boss with the 2mm rim ridge I`b be interested to hear if its usual.

Best, Thanks, Mark.

PS if we do still need the smooth unrestricted boss I went 45 a couple of times for a few secs and 50 for a second or two downhill, do you think it will be OK.

General Discussion / Re: GY6 4t clutch springs
« on: October 04, 2009, 08:46:58 AM »

Hi thanks, thats much appreciated,m anyone know what the main spring is standard please and the next peg up.

Thanks Mark.

General Discussion / Re: GY6 4t clutch springs
« on: October 04, 2009, 03:19:52 AM »
We were hoping our son would wait until 17 and get a car but the cheapest insurance his 17 year old friend can find for a car, the smallest car is £1200 + 3rd party only and thats not likely easy to get in the UK so hes thinking 2 wheels until he`s 21.

To be honest whatever cc he would be better off with a geared bike to keep it in the hot spot on the hills but his mates all have scoots.

Must admit I love the styling on his super 8, blue and yellow, looks lovely.

Best Mark.

General Discussion / Re: GY6 4t clutch springs
« on: October 04, 2009, 03:05:23 AM »
If we can get the Kymco super 8 sorted to cope with the hills we may keep the 4t as I quite fancy the odd ride with my son, road tax is only £15 a year and my cars insurance place told me I can ride the Kymco on my car ins even if not insured in anyones name directly but just 3rd party, I have to get on it off road and similarly get off the same as not insured with me off it if you will.

We are just getting the cash togther for the 07 sym 2 srtoke not too bad from a nice dealer.

Best Mark.

General Discussion / Re: Cheng Shin Tyres ???
« on: October 04, 2009, 03:01:16 AM »
Trouble is the 14 inch tyres choice is a very small one, and more costly !!!!

We are throwing cash at the bike at the mo anyway but £150 fitted for 2 heidenaus is way too much for a run around.

Best Mark.

General Discussion / Re: Cheng Shin Tyres ???
« on: October 04, 2009, 02:41:46 AM »
So can we sneak a 120/80 14 on to the front 100/80 14 rim ??? please.

Also if on the rear we go for the conti twist 120/70 14 how much would that down gear it, very very slightly etc, is there a formular for a % etc.

Many Thanks Mark.

General Discussion / GY6 4t clutch springs
« on: October 04, 2009, 02:38:20 AM »

I`ve written elsewhere that we are trying everything we can to make our super 8 4t go up our steep hills.

Its my young lads bike, but I rode it today and it really seems to hold on to a too high gear for far too long.

I`m hoping when we pop the new 4.7 gram rollers in tomorrow the old ones are a bit flat here and there as really seems to hold on to a higher gear until it finally makes a change.

The bike only shows about 3000 miles though so I expect the rollers to be fine. Sadly !!!!

If not flatish I reckon its a 2 stroke from here, we are going to buy a sym Euro jet 50 2 stroke now too for him and it will hopefully keep up with his mates.

Yesterday up a 4 mile hill he was doing about 12 mph, his mates 2 strokes 37 ish !!!! its just no good whatever we do I think, he needs a 2 stroke, anyone have experiance of the sym by the way.

Anyway I was thinking would it help to fit stiffer clutch springs I think someone mentioned it ( thanks).
  Does anyone know what is stock on the super 8 or agility etc GY6 engine, please I see you can but 1k 1.5k or 2k any suggestions please and I think we only want to move up one nodge as want to keep acceleration.

Many Thanks Mark.

General Discussion / Re: Cheng Shin Tyres ???
« on: October 02, 2009, 10:00:29 AM »
Trouble is theres no pirelli fit for those tyres 120/80 14 rear and 100/80 14 front.

I wonder if theres a 130/80 14 rear may go on or a if a 120/80 14 front but looks like a bit tight there going up 20.

Anyone with a super 8 try it yet ???

Or looks like it will ahve to be the Hiedenau`s, anyone have experiance of those, the 66.s

Thanks for the help etc.

Best Mark.

General Discussion / Leo Vince Exhaust on the 50T engine ???
« on: October 01, 2009, 11:07:23 PM »

Hi I briefly mentioned this on my other post but anyone used one of the these on the 4t 50cc engine.

Anyone heard them, does the bike still have the nice cooler sound as the origional, and not to loud or buzzy ???

Is it going to add much after the usual mods or is it £100 notes for not much more ???

Many Thanks Mark.

General Discussion / Re: Cheng Shin Tyres ???
« on: October 01, 2009, 10:42:22 PM »
Can you squeese a 120/80 14 on the 100/80 14 front rim and inside the mudgaurd etc ???

Only the conti here did a 120/70 14 rear, the viper etc were just front.

Best Mark.

General Discussion / Re: air fillter
« on: October 01, 2009, 10:09:20 PM »
Heres the UK Link for the CR7HIX, our part of the world.

Yes hopeful to see 45 ish, his mates 2 strokes seem to do about that and 50 down hills so he shouldn`t be too far away and me when I sneak out for a quick spin round the lanes on it.

At present even down hill it can just about scrape 40/41 but feels clogged up. I take it thats the cdi restriction, a kymco chap told us if you can see 40 on the clock the variator bush must be done.

Anyway managed to order an 85 jet form ebay UK for £3.10 posted which seemed pretty reasonable.

I just wondered if we put a leo vance exhaust on, would that improve top speed etc (over the 45/47 once we do the cdi, and jet ) and MPg,s still be OK.

Best, and thanks, Mark.


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