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Messages - CowboyRider94

Pages: [1]
People 250 / Question about dying motor
« on: April 04, 2016, 01:52:36 PM »
Hey guys.

So last summer I bought an 09 People 250 S that had only been owned by one other person. Last fall I accidentally fried a solenoid on the starter. Got that replaced last week, but that's not the issue anymore. I'm having a problem with my motor dying while on the road. I had it happen to me three times within about a half mile to 3/4 mile drive home this morning. I have a sneaking suspicion that the fuel mixture is running a little too rich causing the engine to get flooded. The engine will start up pretty easy when I hit the electric start but every start has me pumping a little more on the throttle. I have tried turning down the idle speed, and that fixed the problem for about 30 seconds. The dying isn't hard, the engine just slowly sputters out. I wasn't having this problem last fall except for when I ran the motor longer than about a half hour. Would love any suggestions y'all have!


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