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Messages - dougm

Pages: [1]
People 250 / Re: aftermarket carburetor
« on: August 25, 2018, 03:51:11 PM »
Thank you for your responses - sorry for the delay, I guess I didn't configure to get notification email on reply.

I tried it again last night, hoping for a miracle, but I can sit on the bike, let it idle, then as soon as I twist the throttle it spins down and dies.

So I think the jets (are they called primary jets?) are completely plugged.

@hypophthalmus - thank you, that was absolutely the feedback I was looking for.  I don't ride much in the winter anyway, so will pull it apart and clean it up. 

So as to root cause, is this indicative of a trashed fuel filter?  Or is it more likely that it was corn particles developing in the carb that finally found their way to the wrong place?  I only use corn free gas when I store it over the winter.  In the summer I use whatever gas is available.

Thank you,

People 250 / aftermarket carburetor
« on: August 22, 2018, 12:32:18 AM »
On my way home, on the freeway at night in the middle lane I lost power.  Amazingly I was right at an exit, so I was able to roll off.  When I got my heartrate back down to normal the bike was idling fine, but anything over idle and it dragged down - so basically the (primary?) jets are clogged.  This has happened before when I left corn gas in it over the winter, but I haven't done that in years and this was after more than 100 miles covering several tanks of gas that day.  So I was caught off guard.

In any event, I wonder if those of you familiar with the carb on these can tell me if this aftermarket unit is a drop-in replacement on a 2007 People 250

What I'd like to do is a simple swap, then over the winter rebuild the stock carb.

Thank you for your help,

Technical | How To / Re: People 250 fuel system problem
« on: October 16, 2009, 12:03:25 AM »
Thanks guys, sounds like the best bet is a full carb rebuild.  I'll pull it apart and let you know what I find,


Technical | How To / People 250 fuel system problem
« on: October 13, 2009, 05:25:33 AM »
I just bought a 2007 People 250 and when I bought it the idle speed was set very high, so I dialed it back down, but now I know why - it stumbles and occasionally dies at idle, and at low rpm's it feels like its running rough. But this only happens when the tank is completely full.  As it drains down the problem slowly gets better until you get to about a half a tank and then it goes away completely.

I was thinking this was a leaky needle valve problem - overflow drips into the venturi and the bike stumbles/stalls, but looking at the carb blowup it appears as though the float bowl is on the bottom of  the carb, which means overflow probably doesn't go into the venturi? (Plus, I think the tank is below the carb?)

Everything else about the bike is perfect - starts instantly, runs fantastic at mid-high rpms, pulls well, etc.

I haven't actually cracked the carb open yet, before I do I'd like to get the thoughts of the experts on what the problem might be and what to look for.

Thank you for your input,


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