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Messages - johnnyp

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: oem parts prices
« on: October 26, 2009, 01:45:37 AM »
Ain't that the truth. Jason's office can been seen from the front door. The only time is office door isn't open is when he's not there. Anyone who walks in is welcome to pop their head in and say hello. Most of the time he will invite that person to have a seat.

In fact I still do a little work for Stadium from time to time when need be. I do the artwork on the website and anything they need for print.

I left to pursue my dream of being a full time musician. Jason was bummed to see me go but had nothing but best wishes for my success.

He also asked me to help find and train my replacement when I did decide to leave. ViJay is great and really cares about you folks.


General Discussion / Re: oem parts prices
« on: October 25, 2009, 05:19:50 PM »
No trouble. In  fact I am the same "John" that came on this forum and introduced you folks to Stadium Yamaha a few months ago. I left Stadium on great terms and in fact speak with Jason almost weekly. He was the coolest boss I ever had and he runs a great dealership. I understand if there is some confusion sometimes and with prices being different it is natural to wonder why. I just wanted to let folks know that Stadium isn't in total control of how the prices are determined on their website.


General Discussion / Re: oem parts prices
« on: October 24, 2009, 05:27:40 PM »
I worked at Stadium Yamaha for 2 1/2 years and Jason is a straight up dude. I can guarantee you that the discount is set at 10% because I am the one who originally set it up using their website content management system. However the prices that the 10% are based on is the price that is implemented by their website management company ARI. ARI get their data directly from Kymco and it is updated when Kymco supplies them with a price update. Without knowing how other websites get their data it could simply be that their updates are not implemented at the same time. There are times when even the prices reflected on the Stadium website didn't match the prices on the current price PDF that we have access to though Kymco corporate. Sometimes they were higher sometimes they were lower. So just to clarify the discount is a blanket discount of 10% on all Kymco parts but Stadium is relying on two other sources for the price structure reflected on the website. Stay Safe John

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