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Messages - goodymon

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Technical | How To / Re: Throttle stuck on Full People 50
« on: October 27, 2009, 10:33:11 PM »
Many thanks to everyone ... this is all fixed up and now I know where to look next time since this is bound to happen again!

Technical | How To / Re: Throttle stuck on Full People 50
« on: October 26, 2009, 10:38:24 PM »
This has gotten me much closer.

- The alignment was off, but wow is that hard to get lined up and in.
- The slider was sticking up once in
- Pulled it again and used some carb cleaner on it and in the carb
- It works mostly

But still it seems to want to keep sticking up every few pulls on the throttle although half the time is (slowly) decelerates. Is there a trick to getting this thing sliding smoothly other than pulling the carb out and cleaning the part that houses the slider again (soaking it I guess)?

Appreciate all the help

Technical | How To / Re: Throttle stuck on Full People 50
« on: October 26, 2009, 08:39:44 PM »
When the the cap and needle are in, I cannot see the needle moving (or feel it if I stick my finder in) when I twist the throttle. I tried adjusting the idle screw.  There just does not seem to be any play on the needle. The slider does rest a 2-3 millimeters above the top of the carb itself, even though (I think) have it all lined up inside. The throttle cable pipe at 90 degrees from the top cap has a little play. 

Is "jet needle off the retainer" mean how it is attached to the slider off the top of the carb?  I am not sure how to check for that.   It does seem as if once I put it in and tighten (I even tried keeping it a few turns from tight) all play is lost on the needle up and down.

The cable moves smoothly when I take it off the carb.

Now of course to boot I am losing vacuum seal on the carb so am having trouble starting it if off for too long. The fuel does not reach the carb unless I put my hand over the bore to seal it then put the airbox back on. I think I know what is going on there since the seal on the tube going into the box from the carb has broken (too many times pulling the darned airbox off). But once some fuel is in there it run (at full power only of course).

Technical | How To / Throttle stuck on Full People 50
« on: October 26, 2009, 04:07:31 PM »
I have had a recurring problem with my throttle getting stuck at full on my people 50 2t.  The previous go around on this I had the dealer service it and they said it was the carb.

It has happened again and I have cleaned it several times now and I still have the problem. The engine starts up and goes right to full power and I have to kill it on the fuel cutoff. I have tried adjusting the air and idle screws to no effect. Am I on the right track and just not cleaning it thoroughly enough?  Or is possibly some other problem area?

Many thanks

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