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Messages - Grace

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That makes sense. Anyway, I believe I read something on this forum about isolating the pins instead of cutting them a long time ago on this forum. One could isolate the pins by covering them up with a small piece plastic designed for a specific pintype. Possibly wishful thinking (not sure if i really read that lol), but I would consider buying that (if it exist) in order to have better chances of keeping my waranty.

Open up the tejp, not sure what you mean by that. Basically you're saying that I can cut the purple with red center wire as it makes a loop right ?

I wasn't able to focus properly on the CDI so here is the wiring I drew in paint. ;)
All but one wire seem to have a main colour (sides) and a secondary color (center)
Note that there's a single contactpoint which hasn't got a wire attached to it.
There's also a sticker on it which says July 2008.

Thanks for the replies. We're not talking about 45mph, but 45kmh which is probably a little more than 30mph which would be acceptable for me. The scoot comes in two restricted versions here: 45kmh and 25kmh (which is the one have). Could it be that both of these scooters have the same restricted variator regardless of the restriction speed ? In that case I wouldn't need the variator.

Expect pictures of my CDI later this day. :)

Agility 50 / Will buy different CDI, changing boss etc required ?
« on: May 03, 2010, 09:20:08 PM »
Currently my Kymco Agility 50 City 16 inch is restricted to 15 miles and hour.
I have barely used it since I bought it because it's just no fun (or useful) to be on the road with it at this speed.
I ended up using my bike mostly, simply because I'm travelling almost as fast and the engine makes a lot of noise even at this "maximum" speed probably because the CDI is restricting the engine.

So I am considering to buy a new CDI.

Basically I am considering these two options:,-Agility-16-Inch,-Agility-Rs.html
This kit includes a CDI which is probably (?) completely unrestricted. It includes a variator and something else what I believe to be a "sparkleplug" (not sure) in English.

I don't think I am capable of changing the variator and sparkleplug so I was wondering it is required in my case ?

I also consider this more expensive CDI:

I believe it to be the right CDI, but once again, are a new variator and sparkleplug required here ?

I am not eager to contact my dealer about this because it's not exactly legal to run faster than 15 miles and hour without some license.
On the other hand, it's pretty sad to have spent that much money on a scooter without using it ;)

Anyway, ideally i'd just change the CDI and be done with it, but I guess that's not possible ?

It sure is. In my country we need some kind of license above the 16mph speed limit, which I currently do not own.
That's exactly why I opened a new topic: This might be a specific case because the limit on the CDI is very low...which is probably rare.
Are you sure I can expect to hit 30mph or so or is the improvement relative to the original speed restriction of the CDI ?

In any case, the price of both CDI's (25kmh/16mph and 45kmh/28mph) is identical as you can see when you visit the link in my previous post.


Agility 50 / Agility 50 2009: CDI restricted to 16 miles/h...adjustable?
« on: November 06, 2009, 10:33:36 PM »

A while ago I bought a 4takt Agility 50 being restricted to only 25km/h (16 miles an hour) since I had no experience driving a motorized vehicle at the time.

I assume I may have the CDI listed here:

Because I would like to drive a liiiittle faster I might buy the 45km CDI (approx 30miles  an hour.) off the same site.

However, these CDI's are very expensive so I was wondering if there are any other easy/less expensive options here.
For example, would it help cutting wires on my current CDI as I would be satisfied even with a speed of 25 miles an hour or so.


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