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Messages - litespeedlujak

Pages: [1]
People 250 / backrest for 250 S
« on: May 24, 2011, 02:19:27 AM »
I am interested in buying a 250 S.  But I would definately need a back rest.  I cannot find one on Kymcos website.  I googled the topic and could find no such thing.  Does anyone have any thoughts?

General Discussion / Re: A really really high road
« on: January 18, 2010, 03:42:51 PM »
Thanks guys.  I hope to hear from a few more folks.  I think there is a good possibility I'll save this post.  It's good to converse with people who are willing to help.  I don't live in Colorado.  But if the finances go well, I plan on doing a ride out that way this summer. 

General Discussion / A really really high road
« on: January 18, 2010, 03:24:10 AM »
What is the highest elevation you've ever had your scooter.  I saw video of a tour in Italy and the Vespas were up around 8,500 feet.  The highest paved road in the United States is Trail Ridge Road located in Rocky Mountain National Park.  The road travels over 8 miles above the 11,000 foot level and tops out briefly at 12,183 feet.  Is it possible to take a carburetor scooter to this height and the bike still be running.  Would anything necessary need to be done to the bike to make it run?  There is no way I would spend much money to make this possible.  Would the bike have to be rejetted?  Thanks for the help.

General Discussion / Re: what's the point of this???
« on: January 12, 2010, 10:13:27 PM »
needs a touch of sugar and it'll be perfect.

General Discussion / Re: what's the point of this???
« on: January 10, 2010, 10:33:36 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Pieces on Earth, and Good Will To All...
« on: January 10, 2010, 03:51:07 PM »
I guess you realize I was referring to JPrestonian's use of d*cks.  Wasn't sure what he meant.  I thought he meant ducks as well.  But I'm not sure I'd care to eat a bowl of ducks or a bowl of d*cks.  Don't really care for duck as it is dark meat and the alternative is not to my liking either.  I'd much prefer a taco. 

General Discussion / Trying to start a new club.
« on: January 10, 2010, 02:07:49 AM »
Some fellas and I are trying to start a new scooter club in south eastern Ohio.  Anyone on here from Columbus, Cincinnati or other close-by city.  Anyone care to converse with me on how to really get 'er rolling.  The town is a college town.  And it is definately a money town.  Nice area.  I've only been there a couple of times.  But it's only 80 miles from my hometown.  And the dealer intend on buying from is in that town.  Its seems they already have a bit of an unorganized way of doing things.  I've seen some pics of the people who were in attendance for the rides and there is definately interest.  Anyone care to lend a hand by messaging me, I would appreciate it very much.  There will be eternal steak in heaven for your assistance.  Thanks............

General Discussion / Re: Where in the World are you?
« on: January 10, 2010, 01:58:13 AM »
I have a new screen name.  I'm no longer the hillbillybear.  I'm now litespeedlujak.  But I'm still in WV.  And it's still cold.  Litespeed is the name of a top quality titanium bicycle.  And there real fast, like me.  Lujak was the name of a DJ from Chicago.  When I was in training at Chanute Air Force in Illinois.  He was ripe man.  Really funny.  So the next time you see my name think of not only fast, but real fast.  Not only real fast but funny.  Real fast and funny.  rF2 (squared, maybe.  heck, i don't know)

legit, kinda like comparing the need for cinnamon to a Like 200.

General Discussion / Re: Pieces on Earth, and Good Will To All...
« on: January 10, 2010, 01:41:02 AM »

General Discussion / Re: what's the point of this???
« on: January 10, 2010, 01:38:21 AM »
Wow, Zombie.  Thanks for the support Bud.  I think I'm gonna call up Kymco HQ, wherever that is, and tell them to get the bikes over here or they can all go to Hell.  Thanks for the help.  Man, what a little bit of support does for my inspiration.  And if they don't send the bikes over to the US, then by gosh, they need to give me a coupon for 50 cents off a bottle of McCormicks cinnamon.  YEAH!!!!!! 

General Discussion / what's the point of this???
« on: January 09, 2010, 07:55:38 AM »
I think the Like 50 looks good. I would imagine folks in foreign countried thousands of years ago complained of not getting enough cinnamon so I guess as long as trade with other countries exists this type of thing will go on.  Here is another example.  I know this is a question that will be left unanswered for the ages, but why not introduce another model? ... ke-200i-01 ... -gt300i-01                  ... and-125-4t   

Pages: [1]