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Messages - shawgb

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Technical | How To / Re: How to inflate tires? GV 250
« on: September 19, 2011, 10:10:42 PM »
Sorry all - been "under the weather" quite a while, but on the mend...
I appreciate your replies - I think I need to visit my local dealer.
Thanks very much for the input!

Technical | How To / How to inflate tires? GV 250
« on: May 16, 2011, 10:41:46 PM »
Hi all -

My biggest mystery is currently - how the *heck* do you add air to Grandvista 250 tires?
I've been to several gas stations and haven't found an air pump with a valve I can fit over the filler - so I went and purchased a hand-type bicycle tire pump - but even that won't fit!

What do I need and where do I find it?
Why is this so difficult (rhetorical...)?

Lastly - my owner's manual has some crazy metric reading for recommended pressure. I've tried to convert online unsuccessfully...just what is the right pressure for U.S. people??

Any help would be most appreciated...y'all always come through!
Thanks -

You know - I completely agree with you, wordslinger - and thank you for helping to open mine eyes!

That DOESN'T make sense! ESPECIALLY if you saw my list of requested maintenance items to be addressed. I'm a believer of following maintenance to the LETTER - AND I included in my instructions "if you find anything else that needs attention - please contact me". Hello?!?!

As I've said, I spoke at length with the owner of the dealership. He was extremely kind, and at least acted as perplexed as I am about what could've happened. Well, maybe he IS as perplexed - but now I'm betting someone in his shop knows the truth...

Oh hell - I'm screwed anyway. There's no way one of his techs is gonna fess up to busting my scoot - and so I'll have no leg to stand on. Sucks - but this is the price I (hopefully only occasionally) pay for not doing any work myself.

Already...THANK YOU! This forum continues to blow me away...

So, I spoke with the owner of the dealership and he's agreed to tow it back to the shop at their expense. (It was towed BOTH ways originally at my expense...)

While I'm actually decently mechanically-able, I've gotten to where I'd much rather let someone else do it and write the check (just being transparent here...).

I guess I'm trying to be sure they're not gonna put the screws to me for replacing some parts unnecessarily. I dunno - it seems like I need to trust them to do the right thing - and after speaking to the owner, I'm inclined to do that (but also, I admit to being somewhat over-trusting/gullible...).

So now, I suppose, my real question is - what the hell could've happened - given that to ME, there was no issues with the brakes when the scoot was sent off to them? I'm having the most trouble reconciling the notation on my paperwork that "rear brake seems a bit soft...bled system but didn't help" with having scoot returned with a fully inoperable rear brake.

Fair question!
I thought I had - but just checked again to be sure.
Fluid shows RIGHT to the top. Perfectly clear with no visible bubbles or anything.

Once AGAIN I need to say how totally impressed I am with the responsiveness and quality of information on this forum...and so I'm giving it another go...!

So - I posted several weeks ago about Kymco dealer wanting a pile of money to rebuild my carb after only 1500 miles. Well, according to replies - I felt fine about paying that bill, since I had no idea I needed to add something like "Sea Foam" because I ride rather infrequently and for very short trips.

They had my scoot for close to 3 weeks. They said it takes 2 weeks to get Kymco parts. Whatever.
Anyway - I was so jacked to get it back, I paid to have it towed back to me - since the forecast was calling for rain for the next several days. So I FINALLY get it back - and here's the killer...

My left brake handle does ABSOLUTELY nothing! No resistance at ALL. Might as well be flappin' in the wind!
There was NOTHING wrong with my brakes when it went to the dealer.
Now...I noted it said on my paperwork "rear brake seems a bit soft. Bled system but did not seem to help".

RED FLAG! Like I say - there was NO issue with my brakes.
But okay - maybe to an EXPERT the brake felt soft. To me as a RIDER, it was fine. If the dealer, as an expert, want to bleed the system - fine.

So of course I call the Service Manager and he says that's the way the scoot came in. BULLSH*T!
I was like - sh*t "bleeding the system didn't seem to help" - in fact, YOU BROKE IT! It's completely INOPERABLE.

So we're at an impasse. They maintain it came in that way.
Does anyone have insight on what could have happened? As it was towed in - could something have happened in towing?
I guess my main confusion is that the shop took it upon themselves to address what they identified as a soft rear brake - tried bleeding the system with no improvement - and then delivered it to me with a TOTALLY inoperable rear brake!

Gawd - I dunno...any insights?

Technical | How To / Re: Battery charging advice, please!
« on: March 30, 2010, 09:56:11 PM »
So - just what kinda charger should I have for a scoot battery? Do they make special chargers for small batteries?

One more time - I'm so impressed!

Well, the cost and the wait suck - but I've learned something very valuable because of it.
My hope is that I can save someone else this expensive lesson - so again, thank you so much...

Okay, fabulous forum...I've been SO impressed with you so far, don't fail me now! (I don't expect you will...)

Here's the story:
My scoot developed an issue where like 5 minutes after starting, it'd start idling rough - but after another 5-ish minutes, would settle down and run fine. That went on for several months.

Then it got worse. After the 5 minute warm-up, it started totally stalling. I could immediately restart it, but would have to futz with the throttle to keep it idling thru the next 5 or so minutes - then fine again.

Well...whaddya know. It got even worse! After warm-up it'd quit and the only way to restart it was at full (or nearly full) throttle! That's when I had it towed to the dealer.

They just called and said the jets were clogged and something else about a "balloon" or something. I said "how can this be with only 1600 miles?" They said that's exactly WHY this would happen. If ridden rather infrequently - and mine is, being an '06 with 1600 miles - they said gas (and especially the new gas with ethanol) will evaporate from the carb and leave behind gummy junk. I asked how to prevent this and was told to use an additive called "Sea Foam" (maybe it's "C-foam" - I dunno...)

Anyway - that's like $250 worth of repairs and a TWO WEEK wait for parts!
I mean, now I'm totally screwed - I have no choice but to authorize the repair - but I wonder if this makes sense, or if it sounds shady...
Depending on feedback, I'll decide if they'll ever work on MY scoot again!

Any insight will be MUCH appreciated, as always.


Technical | How To / Re: Battery charging advice, please!
« on: March 23, 2010, 02:48:04 AM »
AGAIN...(and again!)
THANK YOU to all...

A lot of great info.

Technical | How To / Re: Battery charging advice, please!
« on: March 22, 2010, 09:58:18 PM »
Oh YEAH - once again, YOU rule and this forum RULES!
Thank you!

I think the thing is fried...but I'll give it a shot.
Hell, it's 4 years old...surely that's about all one can expect of such a battery, yes?

Nonetheless, we shall see...
Thanks again!

Technical | How To / Battery charging advice, please!
« on: March 22, 2010, 07:26:04 PM »
Hi all -

Well, I've had SUCH amazing responses using this forum in the past - I'm giving it a shot again...
So - the battery on my '06 Grandvista 250 didn't hold a charge thru the winter.
I've got the battery out of the bike, and I have a charger (it even says "smart charger" on it!), but I don't have the instructions for the dang thing.

Okay - first, it wants you to select the type of battery. The 3 choices (obviously abbreviated) are WET, GEL and AGM. Then you select charging rate, and the 3 choices are 2, 10 and 15 amps.

Sadly - I DUNNO EITHER PIECE OF INFORMATION! And I'd like to keep from causing an explosion, if possible.  ;D

Of course I realize the battery may have had it - but since I have this charger I'd like to give it the ol college try.

Any help will be HUGELY appreciated!
The users on this forum totally RULE!


Hi all -

If anyone's interested, my "mystery" was solved by forum members under the Grandvista 250 tab.

Wowie -

I'm seriously thankful to all of you that replied! This was a goofy yet highly VEXING issue I couldn't get resolution for - till now!

Yes, it makes sense this lamp would be controlled by the same switch that tells the "dashboard" display that the trunk is open!

See...? It just doesn't take that much to make me happy...I'm a simple man. (A simple man that freakin' LOVES his Kymco Grandvista 250 scooter...!)

I'm SO glad I found and joined this forum. I'll never futz with any other such forums - this one's the BEST!

Thanks again -

Holy Balls - you're right Shaka!

Now - do you see any provision for a switch to turn the dang lite on and off? I'd think it would be in that same schematic - but I don't see you?

Lordy - I hafta wonder why this has been so mysterious...

FYI - the link you posted didn't work for gotta go to, then "buy Kymco parts", input Grandvista 250 then change "change assembly" to "body cover & luggage box". EXCELLENT resource! Thank you for sharing this...

NOW we're gettin' somewhere!

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