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Messages - eddie09

Pages: [1]
Mongoose / Re: Who owns a 2008 Mongoose 300?
« on: February 22, 2010, 01:59:11 AM »
Hi , I am new to the forum and I can see there is alot of  great information here. I was hoping I could get some help here.
I have the Arctic cat  version of the Mongoose 300, It is the DVX 300.
I have not been getting much response on the arctic cat forum in refrence to this bike, so I thought I would talk to you guys.
I am sure most of you all know the mongoose and the DVX are basically the same bike I think except for some cosmetic items, such as plastics and graphics, and maybe a few other items. I really like this bike ,but I am new to the CVT transmission. the question I have is it seems to lagg a little on the higher revs and the top end, is this normal or is there something I am missing. the bike is new and I am just thinking it needs to be broke in some more. other than that I  love the bike. Thanks

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