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Messages - Circus

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1 that. so where can i get a piston and rings at. i have the original 49cc head and plan on rebuilding the motor and putting it back together as a 49cc motor. Also, mind you its an aftermarket carb so all the way leaned out may not be the same as all the way lean on the stock one. but ya, piston and rings, where at lol

the metal hangover, spark receiver i guess youd call it(the part you gap away) is lookin a lil galvanized color like light battery corrosion, but not super rough textured. the white around the spark sender(the lil nub on the porcelain) is white with tan and some brown spots. i did have it leaned all the way out because the motor sounded a lot better when tuned that way.

Well sad news yesterday, the scoot died on me while i was riding. just bogged down and died. wont start back up. the starter just whines, it doesnt even seem to try to turn the motor over. i can hear the piston moving when i kick start it, so i know its not froze. ive been told twice to change the plug because on 4 strokes if you run too lean even for 1 ride its death to the plug. anyone have any advice?

Hey guys, finally did the BOSS derestriction, and got a UNI stage 2 air filter to replace the box. Lucky me I guessed the mixture and just did a plug chop after a day of riding and it looks great!!!! I love the new performance, however, I've lost a lot of power off the "line" the speedo winds between 80km and the odometer full throttle, but it takes a lil goin to get there. Im considering a pipe as well, but is there anything else i can do to get my torque back?

also, how often are you guys changing oil? Im doing one today, but so I can keep up on it.

Thanks guys!!

Agility 50 / Re: New rider!! Looking for info!!!
« on: March 07, 2010, 12:08:56 AM »
awesome, thank you so much. another question, are these exhaust-restricted as well? Im bored at work and have time to pull out and open up the restrictor plate if there is one. thanks guys

Agility 50 / Re: New rider!! Looking for info!!!
« on: March 05, 2010, 04:45:14 PM »
ya ive been going easy on the throttle because i can feel the motor wanting to go but the boss holding it back, so ill get to speed and ease off and let the motor wind down to a lower rpm at the speed. ill probably be doing the boss next week.

i couldnt find the link to the boss on scooter therapy

Agility 50 / Re: New rider!! Looking for info!!!
« on: March 04, 2010, 05:31:51 PM »
awesome...lil update. cdi cut got me up to 30-32 mph. DEFINITELY gotta do the variator bushing mod, I can feel it wanting to go faster, but the gearings holding me back

Do they sell derestricted bosses? If so, how much do they run? Id much rather buy one and swap it out right then n there than go pay our "competition" to machine it down and have to wait all day to put it back in.

thanks guys, this is helping so much getting this thing to where i want it!!

Agility 50 / Re: New rider!! Looking for info!!!
« on: March 04, 2010, 12:05:30 AM »
but its ok to run full throttle majority of the rides?

and if im understanding correctly, since i have to rejet after exhaust, i should just do both at the same time so i can just rejet it once and only have to do one plug chop?

Agility 50 / Re: New rider!! Looking for info!!!
« on: March 03, 2010, 04:32:24 PM »
so lighter than the 12g? i thought lighter=quicker start and heavier=top end lower rpm?

also the cdi cut was definitely noticeable on the ride home. I love it!!! its ok to ride it full throttle right? i kept it pinned majority of the way home and back to work this morning lol

and basically on the plug chop im setting it to where i believe is right then turning it off, checking the plug, and repeating that if necessary depending on the plug color?

Agility 50 / Re: New rider!! Looking for info!!!
« on: March 02, 2010, 10:11:11 PM »
So I spoke with the kid and hes going to replace the 12g rollers with 15g ones. I also performed the CDI cut just now-so anxious to ride home and see the difference.

My new question is the variator deristriction. I work next to an aluminum machine shop and am planning on having them machine down the bushing on the boss. My question is, how long is the dis-assembly to get the boss out?

Agility 50 / Re: New rider!! Looking for info!!!
« on: March 02, 2010, 04:37:52 AM »
but would that benefit me in the top end running that low of weights if the scooter indeed has a 80cc kit? also, i keep reading about plug chops and rejetting the carb and whatnot to get a free flow filter, whats a plug chop and how do i judge the jet on my carb?

Agility 50 / Re: New rider!! Looking for info!!!
« on: March 01, 2010, 06:19:57 PM »
Do you guys think 10g-15g is a good roller weight combo for the motor? Im taking it in tomorrow to have the guy "make it right" with the deal, and I want to make sure I have the right weight installed

Agility 50 / New rider!! Looking for info!!!
« on: March 01, 2010, 04:31:37 AM »
Hey guys, I recently purchased a used 2007 Kymco Agility 50. While I love riding it around town, Im disappointed with its performance and believe the seller lied to me. He told me it has a 80cc kit, cam, new carb, and 15g rollers. He gave me the "stock" 50cc head, cam, and old carb. After burning through gas like crazy and a few other fixes, I tore the scooter apart and tuned the carb(which was nowhere NEAR tuned). Mind you I bought it from a scooter/atv MECHANIC! While passing a neighborhood speed display, I pinned it and it read 26, after the tune, the scooter ran night and day better and had amazing mpg, but is still running 26 mph top speed. I pulled the carb and there is no restrictor washer there, haven't gotten to pull the exhaust yet(I plan to buy a pipe for it in a couple weeks anyway), and am waiting for him to attempt to make it right before I perform the cdi cut. My question is, can someone give me a CLOSEUP picture of where I'm cutting? Also, what other cheap, effective mods are there for their performance? Thanks guys! Look forward to learn more!

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