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Messages - lostindakar

Pages: [1]
Technical | How To / Removing K-pipe Seat
« on: August 24, 2017, 02:59:01 PM »
I feel silly asking this question, but I'm stumped (as are several friends with more scooter/motorcylce know-how than me). I can't seem to figure out how to remove the seat from my 2017 K-Pipe. I found this video online: which makes it look super easy, but I'm not able to do the same thing. My seat is much more stuck.

I'm able to get the seat about half way off, but it still feels "stuck" near the tail light. Maybe I just need to pull harder, but I'm afraid of breaking off plastic if it is attached somewhere.

Anyone else have this issue? Is there a bolt I need to remove from the back?


Technical | How To / Re: Lost Power While Riding Brand New K Pipe
« on: August 24, 2017, 02:55:19 PM »
Appreciate the help. Just wanted to give an update. The issue ended up happening again (twice in one day). Took it back into the dealer and they discovered a loose connection to the ignition.

Technical | How To / Lost Power While Riding Brand New K Pipe
« on: August 02, 2017, 06:14:31 PM »
Hi everyone,

Looking for thoughts on what could explain something that happened while I was riding my K-Pipe the other morning. I have a 2017 K Pipe with just under 300 miles on it. I was riding to work and was about 4 miles into my drive when I suddenly lost all power (controls went dark). I was going no more than 20MPH when it happened. Pull over to the side, turned the key and nothing - no sound and nothing on the controls display. We opened up the seat and poked around with some of the cables, but don't recall actually *doing* anything. Checked the ignition again (this was about 20 minutes after I initially lost power) and it worked. Was able to finish ~1 mile ride to work and then successfully drove it again later in the afternoon. The only other thing worth noting is that the K Pipe seemed to have slightly more trouble starting than usual, but I've found it is a little tricky to start cold in general.

I dropped it off at the dealer to have them check it over. They looked over connections under the seat and didn't see anything that would explain what happened. They're saying it was likely "just a fluke."

Has anyone else had this happened? Is there anything worth asking them to check out before I take it home and hope it was just a fluke?


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