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Messages - packfan

Pages: [1]
Grandvista 250 / Grandvista noise
« on: March 25, 2009, 05:20:00 PM »
I have a 3 year old GV and I ride it all year round, this winter as I was coming home it starting making a noise that sounds metalic. I took it in to the dealer and he believes that I am loosing the crankshaft bearing. I had synthetic oil in it and always change the oil at 5000 mile. Was wondering if anyone eles that has a GV has ever experienced this or heard of it?

Grandvista 250 / Re: 100 miles... my thoughts...
« on: May 15, 2008, 04:25:17 PM »
I have the GV 250, and even though the manual says that the brakes are linked they are not. I have tested them by putting the scoot up on the center stand spinning the front and rear wheel and pulling the left side brake lever, it only controls the rear wheel. The right side lever only controls the front wheel. I traced out the cables and they are not linked. Again this is only on the GV 250, I have no experience with the other models.

Grandvista 250 / Re: Great to have a Grand Vista Board
« on: May 12, 2008, 04:39:24 PM »
I have had my GV for 1 1/2 years, and I love it. Now that gas prices are sky rocketing I get lots of questions from people, even while sitting at a stop light. I ride either on the highway doing 60 mph, or on the back roads in the twisty's. We are very blessed in Kentucky to have great back roads to ride. I only have two minor complaints, 1. my speedometer is off about 8 mph. I proved this by following my wifes brand new car around and when she was doing 60 I was doing 68. 2. The windshield, it does little to nothing to shield the wind. Has anyone found a replacement windshield that is better. I am so happy to have found this forum, I live in Lexington KY, and so far scooters are a rare thing. If there are any other Kentuckians that would like to ride let me know.

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