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Messages - vermi

Pages: [1] 2 3
People 50 / Re: My RPM is it to HI (8800RPM)
« on: September 28, 2013, 08:03:32 PM »
Engine can rev very high

Does no good with stock exhaust though

Heavier rollers will bring the rpms down

I try  heavier rollers to see, i have 8.0g and 8.5g in stock.

People 50 / My RPM is it to HI (8800RPM)
« on: September 19, 2013, 08:11:29 PM »
I have my Kymco People 50S 4 strokes, with a 72cc kit, power camshaft, the original air filter, original CDI (modified), jet #92, polini variator, with rollers 7.6g and original exhaust.

My top speed is 46 mph (75 km\h) (on my dial), but I feel that I could going faster. I feel my engine retained at high speed.

At 46 mph (75 km\h) my digital RPM indicates the engine turns 8800 rpm!

But at this rpm, the motor comes down at 8500rpm and goes back up...

Is it possible is the CDI ?

What is the maximum RPM this engine can go ?

Do you think i can go faster or it's the maximum my motor give ?

People 50 / Re: People 50 S 2007(4t) motor type???
« on: May 26, 2013, 06:37:58 PM »
Ok, i think the motor is a BB10 model it's wrote under my motor.

Agility 50 / I derestric a Agility City 50 4t with 72cc!
« on: May 24, 2013, 12:47:48 AM »
Today i install a 72cc kit Naraky on the AGILITY CITY 50 2013 of my freind.

If i compare with mi Kyco People S 50 2007, they have the same motor but not the carburator and CDI are different.
 I try the 72cc with the original CDI(Derestricted) and a jet #90.

First ride, Lot more torque but feel he can accelerate faster (some restriction of the CDI) and at 50 KM\H want die in acceleration (to much gas).

Second ride, Jet #82 Better acceleration and at 65km\h no more acceleration, motor can't get more RPM now i'm sure is the CDI can't give more rpm, so tomorrow my freind is going to buy a new CDI with no restriction and a jet #85 to make some tests.


Do you have the original CDI, my freind have a brand new AGILITY CITY 50 and with the original CDI top speed is 50 km\h.
When we remove the 2 purple wires, he hit 60km\h.
It sure when i install his 72cc kit, he need to buy a CDI with no restriction!

My Kymco People S50 2007, have the same motor of the Agility City 50 2013 and i have a 72cc kit, original cdi unrestricted and my main jet is a #90!

Good luck!

People 50 / People 50 S 2007(4t) motor type???
« on: May 19, 2013, 04:35:39 AM »
I know the 4 stroke motor of the Kymco People S 50 is a GY6 motor, but i dont know the type???

Somebody said to me it was not a 139QMB!

I know in the GY6 they have 1P52 QMI / 1P57QMJ / P152QMI / P157QMJ....

Somebody know what is the real ????

Inder my motor it wrote: BB10 *1100137*

I ask the question beacause i try to found the good CDI for my People S 50!

Thank's for help!

General Discussion / Which belt used with a 72cc motor?
« on: April 09, 2013, 08:27:14 PM »
I need to change my belt on my Kymco People 50S, the scooter have a 72cc kit and a polini variator.

I don't know if i need to use a Kevlar belt or not.
For now i have a POLINI belt, before i have a ATHENA and when i buy the scooter i have the original Kymco belt but when i install the 72cc motor, the belt broke after 500km!

Wich belt is better to use with a 72cc kit!?


People 50 / Re: New Power Camshaft is on the Kymco
« on: March 31, 2013, 03:14:03 AM »
Today it was nice to ride, so i try my scooter with the new power camshaft.
I take a Country road and make a top speed test and i hit 47 Mph(76 km\h). Before it was 43 mph.
Before the test i change the jet for #95, #90 was lean again, but i think #92 is better!?

But when i hit 47 Mph, i felt the scooter was retained and he could go faster!?

This is my setup:

CDI original (modified)
Original carb, jet #95
Original Air filter
Valve 0.003mm
Variator Polini
Polini belt
Rollers 7g
Big cluch spring Yellow(1500rpm)
Original exhaust

Somebody have a idea?


People 50 / New Power Camshaft is on the Kymco
« on: March 27, 2013, 01:37:29 PM »
I install the Power camshaft from SCRAPPYDOGSCOOTERS for my 72cc kit on my Kymco.
The sound of the motor look louder but the performance look better...

I put the valves clearance at 0.003" and i put a jet #90, with #88 the sparkplug look lean.

Is it possible i have more top speed with the power camshaft?

And the sound of the motor look louder, is it normal!??


General Discussion / Re: Original CDI or a performance one!?
« on: March 05, 2013, 01:11:09 PM »
A performance Chinese CDI might or might not do anything for your bike. Removing the
red line won't do much if your not hitting it yet. But a good CDI like from a Japanese
motorcycle might make a big difference in performance...

Do you have a brand or a model of this CDI???
And where we buy?

General Discussion / Original CDI or a performance one!?
« on: March 03, 2013, 10:37:02 PM »
My Kymco People S 50 with a kit 72cc have the original CDI.
My scooter reaches the speed maximal of 70 km\h only.

I know that the CDI was modify, because he(it) has a light blow of saw in top of the cdi.

I dont know if I wasted my money if i buy a performance CDI(orange)!?

If I change it, that would change in performance!?

General Discussion / Performance Camshaft !? (People s 50)
« on: March 03, 2013, 04:26:18 PM »
Do you think it's necessary to install a Performance Camshaft with a 72cc kit on my People S 50?
I keep the original air box and exhaust.

On Ebay it's hard to know if the camshaft they sold is a performance one or not!? ???

I read some place they have camshaft A8 or A9, wich one is better???


General Discussion / Re: A new Like 50 or keep my People S 50?
« on: March 01, 2013, 08:53:49 PM »
Yea, De Dee, but i didn't have the motocycle licence driver, why i stay with the 49cc version.

No i think i'm going to put 7g or 8g rollers and put a performance Cam for the valves.
I prefer to stay with the 16" wheels.

General Discussion / Re: A new Like 50 or keep my People S 50?
« on: March 01, 2013, 02:22:29 PM »
So the LIKE 50 it's smaller than the People S, i ask the question beacaus here in Montreal, all the dealer are going to have the Like only in March~ April. I never see one in real!
I know, my PEOPLE S have a big frame and 16" wheels and the little 4 strokes work hard.
I dont know why they didn't put a 2 stoke on it!?

Here in Quebec, it's complicate to have motocycle licence driver and it's very expensive to take the course. Plus we have winter time, so we use scooter around 6 months only...

I wait the dealer receive the LIKE and see in real the size of the scooter before i think to sell my People S. When i'm alone on my scooter the top speed is around 42~46 Mph with the 72cc cylinder.

Thank's! :D

General Discussion / A new Like 50 or keep my People S 50?
« on: March 01, 2013, 04:00:02 AM »
Hello Kymco owner, i'm from Montreal Quebec, Canada and winter is almost finish here! ::)

I have a Kymco People S 50 2007 (4 strokes) with a 72cc kit. But when i see the new LIKE 50 2T i fall in love whit it!
I buy the People 50 S beacause i have enough space for me and my wife, the suspension was strong and 16" wheels.
But the 4 stroke motor is slow even with the 72cc kit and malossi variator.

Do you think the Kymco LIKE 50 have the same space for 2 adults of the People S and the suspension is enough strong for 2?
When i check the picture, the seat of the LKE look the same length!

Thank for your help, beacause i don't know if i change my scooter this spring!? ;)

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