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Messages - speedyscoot

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Technical | How To / Re: People 50 cuts out: SOLVED !!!
« on: June 30, 2010, 10:20:14 PM »
It sounds like you covered all the bases Speedy. The cdi, coil, and stator can all show the same symptoms. You eliminated two of them. Do you have the service manual? Carry an OHM meter w/ you, Before starting the scoot take a base line reading on the stator. You should have 2-3 numbers to watch. AS SOON AS the scoot dies re-read the numbers. You may have a collapsing field inside the windings. I have replaced dozens of stators w/ the same symptoms. Just checking for spark won't cut it as you may still see spark, but it may not be enough to ignite a hot/lean engine. W/ all else you have done this is the only thing left!
UPDATE: Tried the above test which gave mixed results but cast enough doubt for me to go ahead and order a new stator as I had suspected this as the possible culprit from the begining anyway. Stator arrived today and after install, every thing is back the way it should be - easy starts, nice idle and gets to up to speed with no cutting out. ;D
Thanks again for all the tips and advice !

Technical | How To / Re: People 50 cuts out
« on: June 21, 2010, 04:47:00 PM »
Here's an update after spending a few hours tinkering this morning. I rechecked the carb and made sure every oriface was clear again with carb cleaner and compressed air, it is with out a doubt all clear.
Latest of the symptoms: While riding the bike for almost a couple of minutes everything is fine, full throttle no problem....then at a stop, gradually the idle started to get lower and lower until she died. Tried to fire back up, turns over, fires up but not long enough to stay running. Let it rest for about 2 minutes, fired up and rode it back home and then sure enough at a stop the idle got gradually lower until it stopped.
Put it on the lift and went through the same routine with it stationary on it's stand and ran it untill it petered out. Imediatly checked for spark which it has.  Checked for siezure, turns over fine and compression still good. Drained carb, fine, plenty of gas. Tried again with choke wires disconected, no change.
I've seen this symptom before on other scooters which turned out to be a break down of the ignition coil or cdi when hot, however I've replaced both the coil and cdi and unplugged green wire with no change.  Although it does have spark, the plug is now a very dark brown color but not oily or fouled. I'm not sure If the spark is breaking down at higher load / rpms. Does anyone agree that it could be stator/ignition pickup related ?
On a side note, the main is a 75 so I will certainly get an 85 and change it out along with leaving the green wire on cdi disconnected which I'm sure will increase performance although my gut feeling is that this won't cure the initial problem. I still have the exhaust to remove and inspect for any restriction, so will report back if I find anything there. Thanks guys !

Technical | How To / Re: People 50 cuts out
« on: June 21, 2010, 02:24:32 PM »
I have seen many 2t engines do that from low compression. 890 miles is just about new but ANYTHING can happen. Try doing a compression test. You should be over 100psi. Also just for the heck of it install a NEW spark plug. There could be a bad resistor in yours. Welcome aboard speedy
Did compression test this morning and got a reading of 125 psi with throttle wide open so top end appears to be ok. I swapped plugs also but still no change.

Try with the air box off and exhuast to rule a blockage out.
Tried with airbox removed...just quits a little sooner. Not sure I want to try running it with exhaust removed though but I will remove it to check for any blockage or restriction.

Hey speedy is It happining under a load or on the stand.You are sure the oil is flowing to carb.What size is the main jet. (get an #85 as soon as posible)Is the cdi derestricted.The newer peoples are realy restricted the pipe is chocked down quite a bit couldn't go over 35mph on mine when I first got it.Welcom to the forum!
It's happening under load wihin about 30 seconds of full throttle and on the stand within about 1 minute. Haven't checked main jet size yet but I can't think why that would have an affect if the scooter ran fine for 890 miles. I've tried the CDI with green wire disconected and still no change. Surely with no oil it would just sieze which isn't the case here, spark plug is a nice tan color but I will pull the line and check for oil just to make sure.
..try holding the brake levers in or pressing the "passing" headlamp button...

..when i do either of those, my rpms increase...and continue to increase as long as i hold the levers or the button...

..and i can gig the throttle, and rev th' hell outta my engine...

..other than that, it will just idle....all day if i would let it...
I tried cable tieing the rear brake lever when running it on my lift to keep the motor under load which gets it to act up quicker but wasn't able to keep it running at full throttle unless I backed off, let it idle for a bit and then throttle it again. All seems fine up to about half throttle for longer periods. I'll try holding the front brake and flicking the passing light switch while standing on one leg and sticking my tounge out  :P ...sorry I need a bit of humour here before I set the thing on fire!

Thanks everyone for your input and please keep your suggestions coming...can't let this little basterd beat me !

Technical | How To / People 50 cuts out
« on: June 18, 2010, 12:05:28 PM »
Hi all, new here,
I'm working on a 2009 2T People 50 with only 890 miles. It cuts out after about 30 seconds of full throttle. It acts like the ignition has been switched off unless I drop the throttle back to lower position and it will stay running. It will idle and go to half throttle all day long but as soon as I go to full throttle it will rev up but then eventually just cut out, no pops or backfire, just off !
I have had the carb off, cleaned it and checked the float height.
Drained the gas and put fresh in.
Checked fuel pump / filter and fuel flow.
Drained float bowl as soon as it cut out and had plenty of fuel drain out.
Checked spark, which is good right up to the point of cut out.
Replaced ignition coil. (just for the hell of it)
Replaced CDI.
All the above work made absolutely no difference. Could it be that the pick up / stator is at fault by not advancing ? or possibly a stuck reed ? Any insight greatly appreciated as I'm now stumped ! ???

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