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Messages - chaosknite

Pages: [1]
Yager GT 200i / Re: Yager oil change time. And the choices are ...
« on: October 11, 2010, 06:33:14 PM »
I know on my Yager, the change oil light turns on after 600 miles (instead of the actual 1200 miles). It's just another odometer, so you can reset it to turn the light off.

The saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words, so I figure this not so great photo is worth at least a hundred or so. But the connector looks kind of like a really simple trailer connector (maybe only brake lights), which is why I thought it was for the brake light (I don't think it's meant for a trailer). I normally keep it tucked up in the body out of the way.

Hey Inferno, which adapter plate are you using? I recently bought my own Yager and plan on getting a top case. I'm just trying to decide between a Givi E470 and a Shad SH46. Also, is the molded connector on the exhaust side used to hook up the extra brake light? I don't have a multimeter right now to test it out, but can't think of anything else it might be for.

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