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Messages - DrSwammelstam

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Agility 50 / Re: Kymco Agiliy City 16+ 50i slooow
« on: November 01, 2018, 05:42:04 PM »
Got a call from the workshop yesterday that the test spares for my bike have arrived from China. They are apparently replacing the ECU and something to do with the gears. Taking it in next week. If the result is anything less than amazing I'm going for a refund and I'll try another brand/model in the Spring.

Alright! Please post when you know if it worked. If not, the moped is going back!


Agility 50 / Re: Kymco Agiliy City 16+ 50i slooow
« on: October 31, 2018, 06:23:08 PM »

Kymco is sending a couple of ecu units to Sweden to be tested on the sloooow 16+ 50i, will be interesting to see if it works. If not my moped is going back to the dealer.....

Agility 50 / Re: Kymco Agiliy City 16+ 50i slooow
« on: October 07, 2018, 05:16:43 PM »
Took my bike in to köpenscooter this morning. They ran tests, replaced the CVT and then took it for a test drive. No change in performance whatsoever, so it's going back to them next week for a full investigation.

No not yet, I have been waiting for the reseller to contact me but he has been on vacation I’ve been told. However, since they are trying to do the same things to your moped as mine it seems a remap is not on the table yet. An yes, the importer also appear to be full of BS, trying the same things over and over although it has never vorked (changing cvt parts). Unless something happens soon I will go for a refund.

Agility 50 / Re: Kymco Agiliy City 16+ 50i slooow
« on: September 13, 2018, 07:49:52 PM »
ANOTHER QUICK UPDATE! I contacted the Swedish agent for Kymco (Mipecorp, who own Köpenscooter), detailing the problem. They acknowledged that I am not the first to experience it and they are contacting Kymco to request a solution. Let's hope for the best!

Yes, my moped is going back to köpenscooter, lets see what happens.....

Agility 50 / Re: Kymco Agiliy City 16+ 50i slooow
« on: September 05, 2018, 05:44:09 PM »

The importer sent new weights and cvt parts that has been tested on my moped but no success. The importer is now taking the moped back for inspection (and another one, also sold in Umeå). My reseller believes, or is at least hoping for a remap, putting an end to this story.


Agility 50 / Re: Kymco Agiliy City 16+ 50i slooow
« on: August 20, 2018, 08:15:34 PM »
Hi DrSwammelstam,

Well, it appears we're in the same boat! I've had the exact same scooter for about 3 months and am having all the issues you report. Piss poor acceleration as standard, but maybe not quite as slow as yours. Currently the speedo just nudges 50kph going downhill and hovers round 44-45kph on flats. On steeper uphillls, it can drop to around 40kph which is annoying the hell out of me.

Weird thing is, it went faster in the first couple of weeks I had it. I'd get about 53kph going downhill, but then it lost loads of speed just before the first "tightening up" service at 500km (wouldn't even hit 45kph). After that it ran better, but I never got that 53kph top speed again. Maybe it's because I put on weight over the summer! :) I weigh about 82kg now, so maybe that has some sort of negative effect.

(As an aside, my old moped was a SYM Fiddle 50 II and that did 45kph uphill, downhill and on flats! So I guess the comparative average speed is the same LOL!)

Anyway, my KYMCO manual has no technical drawings, so I removed the seat and had a poke around. My first thought was to swop out the CDI, but I couldn't find one. Don't ALL mopeds have one to govern the speed?? I then tried to take the panel off in the footwell, but couldn't. I'm guessing there's nothing under there other than the fuel tank, but could be wrong. I'm not really technically savvy enough to do anything else like mess about with rollers and stuff, so I guess if there isn't a CDI I'll have to ask the mechanic at the next service if he can get some more juice out of it some other way…

Let me know if you have any luck with getting yours to run faster.


No luck yet. The Swedish importer is now waiting for Kymco to do something. According to my dealer some attempts have been made by the importer to fix the problem by using other variator (cvt?) parts, but without success. The dealer claims the moped needs remapping, i.e. more fuel and more rpm, nothing else will really fix the problem. Remapping is however problematic since it may interfere with the european union emission rules/certification.

At least your moped was going 50km/ downhill ;-) Mine only reaches about 40 max. Do you live in the EU?


Agility 50 / Re: Kymco Agiliy City 16+ 50i slooow
« on: July 14, 2018, 07:03:15 PM »
What does a softer rear spring have to do with speed?

Won’t it allow the belt to come closer to to the rear axle = better gearing for higher speed?

Agility 50 / Re: Kymco Agiliy City 16+ 50i slooow
« on: July 14, 2018, 11:45:24 AM »

Some time ago, I took the moped to the dealer who agreed it was unresonably slow, another unsold moped displayed the same slow behaviour. The dealer contacted the importer which for a couple of weeks just came with bullsh**, saying it wasn’t an issue (check tyre pressure etc.). Today the dealer rang me and let me know that many, if not all of the 16+ 50 cc injected Kymcos are slow. Apparently the same issue has been found for the injected 16+ in Germany as well, and ”you don’t mess with Germans”! 😋. I guess the German market is bigger than the Swedish and now Kymco has to address the problem. A possible fix might be a softer spring in the rear but my dealer thinks it has to do with not enough fuel or possibly rpm restriction.

Agility 50 / Re: Kymco Agiliy City 16+ 50i slooow
« on: May 01, 2018, 08:04:57 PM »
Based on your 4-stroke Agility City riding experience, why did you not select a scooter that was compatible with your speed expectations?

Well, I expected a 45km/h scooter to do at least 45, most do that and a little bit more, not less. I wasn't expecting 65km/h.

Yeah, that is the plug-in for the Kymco diagnostic tool. It could tell the mechanic if things are seriously astray from the norms.
Not sure how much "tuning" you could do with it plugged in.
But it could tell you what needs to be put right....if anything is wrong.


Yep, I thought that would be the next step.

So is it a 4T FI 50?


Agility 50 / Kymco Agiliy City 16+ 50i slooow
« on: May 01, 2018, 07:22:54 PM »

Just found the forum searching for info regarding possible restrictions/de-restriction on my kymco 16+ 50i scooter. Well, I've found nothing yet on the 16+and the closest I came was sento 50i on this forum. So, the question is if any of you guys know anything? The problem is that my Agility City 16+ 50i, european version, 45 km/h moped only achieves 41-42 km/h on flats, 45km/h downhill and drops down to 30-35km/h in moderate climbs. Acceleration is also bad compared to my old 4-stroke agility city.

Some basic info from observations on my own moped:

1. The variator "boss" thingy is not restricted (at least compared to how it looked on my old agility city). The variator weights could be something to look closer into though.

2. There is a fixed throttle-stopper, casted into the intake/throttle housing, so eliminating that would require bigger tools and some creativity.

3. It appears there is no cdi unit like the in my 4-stroke agility city.

4. By the battery there is a bigger connector together with some other wiring, I guess this is for diagnostics and possibly software tuning (my only hope at the moment).

Any suggestions or do I just have to accept seemingly poor performance?


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