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Messages - esellie

Pages: [1] 2
Agility 50 / Engine takes a long time to warm up.
« on: October 04, 2010, 05:40:50 AM »
Lately it seems that it takes a long time for my Agility 50 to warm up even in 65 degree weather.  I have to run it for at least five minutes before it starts to run smooth.  Anyone have any idea's or suggestions what the problem might be?

Agility 50 / Re: Agility 50 Performance Expectations
« on: September 22, 2010, 03:38:13 AM »
I might have to put a couple of bricks in her pockets and have her give me an hour head start!  Actually the Zuma goes over 40 mph with just a simple throttle adjustment.  Yamaha seems to make their 50cc restrictions very easy.

Agility 50 / Re: Agility 50 Performance Expectations
« on: September 21, 2010, 10:09:56 PM »
Thanks omfgdotcodotuk!  So if I add a K&N free flow filter, 94 main carb jet, and iridium plug, 40 MPH shouldn't be out of the question?  I'm trying to keep up with my wife who has a Yamaha Zuma 50 that goes 41 MPH.  I live in the States so if anyone has any suggestions as to where a good place is to buy a K&N filter for my scooter that would be great?

Agility 50 / Agility 50 Performance Expectations
« on: September 21, 2010, 07:34:58 PM »
After restricting my 2009 Agility 50 by cutting the CDI wire, installing the clutch boss drive, and installing a larger main carb jet should I be able to expect my scooter to be able to exceed a true gps speed of 40 mph on a flat road or am I overly optimistic?  My weight is 230 lbs.

Thanks for the advice.  Thanks to guys like yourselves this forum is awesome!

I'm in the process of derestricting my 2009 Agility 50 (CK50QT-5). I have already done the CDI wire cut and I'm about to install the new boss drive.  Does anyone have any ideas as to what the best size rollers are to use and what the best size carb jet is to use for maximum performance? Also are these kits on ebay worth it or would it be a waste of money. Kit includes rollers, carb jet, spark plug, air filter and variator?


Agility 50 / Re: problem with fuel gauge
« on: August 14, 2010, 11:10:39 PM »
axy - Thanks I'll check that.

Agility 50 / Re: problem with fuel gauge
« on: August 14, 2010, 05:57:30 PM »
I'm also having a problem with my fuel gauge.  The gauge either shows completely full or completely empty even when my tank is only half full.  I have checked the float and that works but the reading is not reflected on the gauge.

Agility 50 / Re: 2009 Agility 50 Odometer reading
« on: August 14, 2010, 05:41:53 PM »
Thanks again wordslinger!  You are definitely the Kymco answer man.  The guy that I bought my Agility 50 from advertised it as having 127 miles on it when it really had only 78 miles on it.  I have a feeling that a lot of people don't realize the odometer shows kilometers.

Agility 50 / 2009 Agility 50 Odometer reading
« on: August 14, 2010, 05:56:27 AM »
Does  the odometer on the 2009 Agility 50 show Kilometers or miles?

Agility 50 / Re: Agility 50 running rough
« on: August 11, 2010, 08:19:00 PM »
Thanks Art!

Agility 50 / Agility 50 running rough
« on: August 11, 2010, 03:55:32 PM »
I did the CDI wire cutting modification a couple of weeks ago and initially my scooter worked fine but now I have noticed that I have to let the scooter warm up quite a while before I can use it without the engine cutting out.  Also I don't seem to have as much power going up hills as I used to.  I'm not sure if this is related to the CDI modification or if it might be something else.  Anyone have any suggestions?  I'm thinking either spark plug or Carburetor. Thanks!

« on: July 29, 2010, 02:08:45 AM »
If I get it up to 50 mph I'm heading for Sturgis!!

« on: July 29, 2010, 01:40:59 AM »
wordslinger - The numbers on the top of my carb are: CK50QT-5

« on: July 28, 2010, 11:54:44 PM »
Thanks wordslinger!  I made the change and got an extra 5 mph out of it.  I weigh about
235 pounds and previously 30 mph was my maximum speed.  I can now get up to 35 mph which helps a lot.  I noticed that my speedometer on the scooter shows about 5 mph higher than it really is.  When the scooter says I'm doing 40 mph my GPS I took with me says 35 mph.  I think Kymco wants me to think I'm going faster than I really am.  Would  anyone recommend me working on the boss drive for the next modification or the carberator?  I would really like to be able to get it up to 45 mph. Thanks!

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