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Messages - Hardly Davidson

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Hey Tomheet, the low insurance is 'coz I'm an old **** , they must reckon I'm more sensible and will not drive fast, let 'em keep believing that  ;) LOL


General Discussion / Re: Halogen Headlight
« on: October 25, 2010, 03:28:54 PM »
The only thing to watch with some halogens is that you don't handle them with a bare hand, apparently the oil from your skin is transferred and causes a hot spot which can make the bulb blow out quicker. *shrugs* just what I've heard. Another thing to consider is legality, here in the uk, certain bulbs are not legal for road use only for show use as they give out 'blue light' rather than pure white, if you are in an accident and this is picked up, you may get nothing as the machine is not in 'standard trim'. English laws suck..


In the UK I pay £15 a year Road Tax and £73 for fully comp insurance, don't matter what happens to the bike, I'm covered lol!


General Discussion / Kymco Zing Starting/running problems
« on: October 25, 2010, 03:19:56 PM »
Hi guys, I thought I'd post this as it happened to me so it kinda follows you could all fall victim to this problem.

Last week I was out for a ride, enjoying the sun when my bike just died, no warning, no misfire, just stopped. A fellow biker stopped to try help me sus out what the problem was. we checked the fuel 3/4 of a tank, we checked the electrics all working, still nothing. Eventually I had to call for the big truck with flashing lights! He took out the plug, perfect. Checked for a spark, no problem, still the beast refused to start or even fire!. At this point I was praying to the god of cdi that it wasn't failing..

Eventually we had all the plastics off and started to check the wires. It was then that the repair guy found a four way socket (4 in, 4 out) in (what he later admitted was) desperation he yanked it apart; all of the contacts were covered in green gunk (verdigris he called it). We cleaned them and sprayed a good dose of wd40 into the socket then tie wrapped it back together. She fired up first kick and ran like a top.

Then this morning, exactly the same thing happened again, I went through the motions and she started and ran perfect again. Needles to say, I've since been on a 'ahem' famous auction site and ordered a new socket so hopefully this will end this problem for good.

I guess what I'm saying here folks is, don't just look at the obvious, one bad earth or bad connection, and you ain't going nowhere!

Hope this helps out a few!!


General Discussion / Re: If I won the lottery
« on: September 09, 2010, 08:43:55 AM »
Gentlemen, I've found  the answer.

Just as a bit of background, I rode motorcycles for most of my youth, everything from a moped (Honca C50 classic!) to a Silver wing, both legally and highly illegally  ;D Many years back, after walking away from a crash which left my bike embedded in a roundabout, I had a back injury at  work which really should have stopped the obsession with two wheels, but y'all know that it aint that simple right? My current ride is good as the low seat height means that I too can get my leg over  :o .... I agree that the handling of a custom takes some getting used to, but it's worth it just to see them boys on their 'plastic crotch rockets' look on in amazement as I tear round a bend with my knee on the deck lmao!


I know that sooner or later I'm gonna have to get a scooter or a trike to ease my riding a bit, ok so that's what I thought until I dropped in at my mates bike shop. I just laid eyes on the Qlink Legacy 250. This has the looks of a nice custom bike, but the ease (yes it is an auto!!!) of a scooter... I think I'm in lust  ;D

Most places appear to be selling this as a girls bike, but to someone like me with often limited movement, it looks like a dream come true..

The only thing stopping me from trying out a scooter I think is my absolute lack of knowledge about them and the fact that the cheaper ones here in the uk have either been a) thrashed to death or b) thrown down the road

Anyway, enough waffle, I'll go back to polishing my chrome now..


General Discussion / Bars!!
« on: September 01, 2010, 04:01:22 PM »
Ok so I've now been riding my Zing back and to to work for a few weeks and have only come across one problem (apart from the ridiculous unavailability of a workshop manual!!) As this is a custom bike, the handling is a pain in the ... well you know the rest. The handlebars are those big ape-hanger jobbies that you see on a lot of customs and whilst they look very pretty on a show bike, they are not very practical in everyday use.

So, I'm wondering should I go for the 'drag' look and slap on a pair of straights or even some with a bit of a rise but not one of over 12" (ooerr!) Your thoughts fellow Kymco riders would be greatly appreciated! ???

Ta muchly (erm thanks a lot!)


General Discussion / Re: Good summer jacket
« on: August 06, 2010, 11:44:16 AM »
Coming in a little late here but, when I decided to get back on a bike my wife decided I must be wrapped in bullet proof material.. anyone would think that she doesn't trust me  ;) 

Anyway, as we're on a budget (isn't everyone!!) I went to good old eBay to solve my problems and found trousers and jacket (plus a free pair of gloves!) from a company called 'Max Mph', no I've never heard of them either! What can I say the price was right!

I am SO IMPRESSED!! with what I got for my money!! The jacket and trousers are cordura, fully waterproof, have removable linings for summer and winter use and have armour in all the right places. To some it might seem like overkill, but the way I look at it, if I go skating down the road I want to be wearing more than the shorts and t-shirt you see a lot of folk wearing, trust me, when you've been a nurse and seen the other side, you learn REAL fast.

I'll try post a link below, if it doesn't work, look them up on eBay. For the price of a jacket, I'm now fully protected.


General Discussion / Re: Hello!!
« on: August 06, 2010, 11:26:15 AM »
Thanks for the welcome guys! I realise that a lot of you may be more scooter than bike orientated, which is no big deal to me, as long as it has two wheels and an engine, I'll give em a nod  ;D The name came from when I fist looked her over and said 'well she's hardly a Harley is she?'  ::)

Well I made my first 'work run' on her yesterday and I must admit I'm impressed. Having ridden all sorts from MZ's to Honda's, I must admit I did not know what to expect. I've read elseware that they do not pull well, but let me tell you I'm no lightweight and I found no difficulty climbing hills in 4th! The ride is interesting... being my first custom, I think it will take a while until I'm confident enough to hack into the corners the way I used to and even then carefully as I feel a lot closer to the road now! There is the issue of neutral and finding it! There is a perfect one, unfortunately its between 4th and 5th LMAO! and the the one between 1st and 2nd takes some finding.

The upshot is that she was way cheaper than the 'big four' and I think it will take surgery to remove the smile from my face especially when I zip between the speed bumps that surround us everywhere!

Now...custom parts catalogue... what can I do to pretty her...


Hmmm... I'm sure I can think of some for us 'L's'...

1. But the highway code says that gesture means I'm going straight on (has to be said in high anal-retentive voice)
2. Busy scrabbling under the seat to see if the fuel is on
3. Last time I raised the wrong hand and stalled at the lights
4. Hey...woah! pot-holley-crap that was close!
5. The instructor is following and screaming down my ear
6. Are you waving or pointing and laughing?
7. That's a new noise...
8. D-i-e-s-e-l!!!
9. Ok so I've mastered staying upright, I've just gotta remember where the indicator is....What you waving at? My side-stand still down again??
10. Hmm better not wave, might be one of those hells angels mummy warned me about...
Good thread!


General Discussion / Hello!!
« on: August 05, 2010, 09:29:00 AM »
OMG so much to say... OK first, hello! I've just got back into biking after way to many years and am the proud owner of a Kymco Zing 125. I don't know if it is a series 1 or 2 yet as tbh before last week I had not even heard of Kymco motorcycles  ;D
I have a zillion questions and will probably bore you all to tears, but for the moment, I've managed to get a pdf of the owners handbook for my bike, but have not yet found a workshop manual... Any ideas welcome! Anyone want a copy of the owners handbook, drop me a line!   :)


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