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Messages - Steve Sutton

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Technical | How To / Re: 2007 Venox 250 valve adjustment
« on: July 21, 2018, 03:42:39 PM »
Thank everyone for the replies,,,,

I went in and checked the valves again,,,,they were all correct,,,,,

My buddy , ( I got the Venox from him) suggested I check the cam chain tension,,,,,,low and behold after adjusting it the noise was gone.

Long live the Venox !

Technical | How To / Re: 2007 Venox 250 valve adjustment
« on: June 29, 2018, 07:04:28 PM »
Thank you for the replies,,,,

I'm working on the old deaf part ! /-)

Yes,,,I checked before buttoning it up,,,,but it  was over 100 outside in the shade and getting hotter so I think I just got it wrong.

The feeler guage set is bulky,,so I'll remove that one blade and I should get a better feel .

Thanks again for the fast replys.

Wishing you guys safe rides. Q

Technical | How To / Re: 2007 Venox 250 valve adjustment
« on: June 29, 2018, 06:08:31 PM »
Thank for the reply,,,

That is what I did,,,,and now have a valve tap noise.

Could it be I didn't wait long enough and the engine was still too warm to do the adjustments ?

Or just more likely that it was the gauge "operator",,,,, me,,,,, error /-),,,,
This is my first time doing this,,,,,,had a fairly experienced bike buddy showing me how and checking my work.

If it was you,,,,,would you pull it apart and try again ?,,,,,or live with the tap noise.

Thank you for taking the time to read this newbie post in the first place,,,

Technical | How To / 2007 Venox 250 valve adjustment
« on: June 29, 2018, 04:50:40 PM »
Love my Venox.
I went to adjust my valves at 19000 km per Manuel.  Engine was cool but not cold,,book says Celsius and converted to Fahrenheit approximately 95 or colder. Couple hours after turning engine off but not overnight cold.  Valves we're very tight .1 mm,,,,all valves exhaust and intake,,,some so tight couldn't get .1 mm gauge inserted into gap. Anyways, adjusted valves to .1 mm,,,,put everything back together and now can hear a valve tap noise on number 1 cylinder.  Should I go back in and make the clearance a "really tight" .1 mm ?,,,,,,or,,,,,should I insert .1mm feeler gauge and tighten the nut till no slide of feeler gauge and just pull the gauge out for a super tight .1mm clearance ?  On first attempt I used .1 mm gauge and adjusted till feeler gauge made the squeaky sound,,,but am thinking that was too loose and now have a valve tapping sound.  Not sure what to do.  Is the .1mm valve clearance qouted in Manuel correct valve clearance ?.

Thanks for any advice.

BTW,,, did I mention I love this bike ? /-)

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