« on: October 23, 2018, 03:32:13 PM »
Hi all,
I have a 2011 DT300 that I bought and have discovered that the brake light doesn't light up when I pull the front brake: back brake lights it up the way you would expect. So this is my first scooter and never owned a motorcycle but logic tells me the front brake should light up the brake light the same way the back brake does.
In changing the back tire and looking around under the seat I noticed a plug that wasn't plugged into anything. I took a picture of it and attached it.
The previous owner also had issues with the seat locking mechanism and has disabled it and replaced it with a yellow line to open the seat. I'm not sure if by disconnecting the electrical seat locking mechanism initiated from the key position has also disabled the front brake lighting up the brake light.
Any direction you might have would be fantastic.