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Messages - Veggie2Meggie

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General Discussion / Re: Kymco Agility Noise!! Help
« on: December 06, 2018, 08:03:41 AM »

Hope this is alright.

General Discussion / Kymco Agility Noise!! Help
« on: December 06, 2018, 05:56:21 AM »
I’ve had my kymco agility 2017 125cc for just over a year. It’s had a few problems but is otherwise ok. It does have trouble starting when it’s cold but that’s not so bad. Today was the first time I’ve ridden it in ten days since coming back in holiday. It’s been parked in my back garden, covered with a cover. It was fine for ten minutes then started making this noise. It was slow to start but quickly built up. I stopped to get fuel and noticed the noise stops when the indicator is on? It also starts making the noise once the key is in the scooter and turned but the engine isn’t on? I don’t have any experience with scooters except riding it and am hoping to find out what’s wrong with it without taking it into a shop as I have zero money at the minute. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

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