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Messages - djson280

Pages: [1] 2
Roadcraft / Re: Have you ever come off your ride?
« on: April 09, 2019, 09:55:17 AM »
Come off a road bike, only once, about 40 years ago, when i was a youngster. it was my 1st bike Suzuki GSX250, in those days you could have a 250 as  learner.

However I had not learnt enough; so off I slid into an old ladies hedge, out she came "are you alright"

Yes I was fine, lucky really as i landed on soft ground.

I came off because there was dew on the ground, and I had never been round that corner, with it being damp.

Taught me a good lesson.

Trails bike: I've been off a good few times, on rough ground, trying to do too much etc.

Never hurt myself. I used to do off road motorbike tours in the mountains of Spain, 12 years ago. Not I can't even get on a motorbike.

I damaged y back when I was 24.

So that is why I have a small scooter now, so I don't have to throw my leg over.

Roadcraft / Re: Scooter rider to a bike rider, "you need reflective!"
« on: April 09, 2019, 09:45:20 AM »
It only takes 1 problem!

Technical | How To / Re: Hello people I'm back!
« on: April 09, 2019, 09:37:50 AM »
Forgot to say, that I had a starting problem, which turned out to be the battery, so I got a new battery.

If I start with the button, it seems to start fine.

It was only taking 2 or 3 kicks to start.

However it is taking loads now, for some reason, it is not cold, it is around 18 to 20C now and only going to get hotter.

Technical | How To / Re: Hello people I'm back!
« on: April 09, 2019, 09:35:01 AM »
Well it says 25,000 km, but im not really sure that is true.

Technical | How To / Re: Hello people I'm back!
« on: April 03, 2019, 05:51:21 PM »
I replaced the air filter, a few weeks ago. Though when I bought it, he assured me, it was regularly serviced, and had just been done.

I'll have to take it to the garage to check the valves.

Probably time for a full service.


Technical | How To / Re: Hello people I'm back!
« on: April 03, 2019, 02:37:52 PM »
Grand Dink 150cc 2005.

I remembered after i left for home that I probably didn't say what.


Technical | How To / Hello people I'm back!
« on: April 02, 2019, 05:00:53 PM »
So I've got a little issue, the speedo has stopped working.

Is it a cable, or electronic?

If cable, i guess it has snapped.

if electronic any ideas, how to check it. is there a piece that needs changing?

The other thing, is that i have noticed it seems to be getting harder to kick start.

it used to kick 3 times and start, and if it was warm, kick 1st time.

Now i am having to kick it 10 times the other day, before it stated.

I guess it's like my dog, doesn't like being kicked.

But i'm not sure.

So i'll look back later.


General Discussion / Re: Beauty of a day
« on: January 11, 2019, 06:27:33 PM »
Well I'm in the South of Spain, near Seville, i came to Spain, almost 18 years ago, for the sun and heat.

it has been around 2°C at night for a week, now it is around 7°C during the day.

it is the coldest I've ever been here.

Roadcraft / Re: Two near misses.
« on: January 03, 2019, 12:47:17 PM »
Im a lorry driver, and have been all over Europe.

I was driving through Luxembourg on the motorway, and on the other side, i saw a car fly onto the motorway, straight into the side of a car, minding his own business.

I have lived in Spain for almost 20 years.

Here is every idiot for himself.

I was on the motorway approaching Alicante, only 30 miles from home; i had just come from London, on my ZZR1100.

Thank God for power.

I tend to or should i say, on a motorbike, ride along at 90mph conditions allowing.

There was a lorry in front of me, a good distance in front of me, but i am doing 90mph, so it dosn't take long.

I look in my mirror to see a car in the outside lane (only 2 lanes mostly on Spain).

So i wait as he's already right behind me, nothing happens, a couple of seconds pass he does not pass me, a couple more seconds, still nothing.

Now the back end of a 40T lorry is in front of me, and no possibility of braking, the braking distance has gone with this idiot at the side of me.

So i turn my head to see the car bonnet at my side, about the back wheel, and he must have been there for a good few seconds.

So i opened the throttle (absolutely no other choice) and i threw the bike into the fast lane and powered off.

I am convinced that i missed the back of the trailer my inches, a few inches, i am sure i saw the trailer, pass my head as i looked forwards.

As i gathered myself, and looked at the instruments, the speedo, was going down through 130mph.

If anyone is wondering the idiots, here, and that is most of them, pass other vehicles, regardless to bicycle, or supersports at the speed the vehicle, they want to pass is going.

Go figure! As my American cousins say!

Technical | How To / Re: Grand Dink 150cc
« on: January 03, 2019, 10:44:17 AM »
Just to let everyone know, I got a new battery, yesterday.

Fitted it and this morning started much better, about 3 turns.

It was cold overnight and I noticed the horn is much loader than before.

The old battery went down to 9.79v during the night on Tuesday.

So that’s the end of that.

Technical | How To / Re: Grand Dink 150cc
« on: January 02, 2019, 09:13:13 AM »
A charged battery should show 13.2 vdc. 4 y 2 mo should be about it for a battery.

Yes i think so.

Of to the supplier before it closes for a new one.

Thanks for all your comments and thoughts.

Technical | How To / Re: Grand Dink 150cc
« on: January 01, 2019, 05:40:44 PM »
Happy New Year one and all.

Well for the second time of trying, i wrote this earlier, then for some reason it disappeared.

I have not used the scooter, for 6 days.

I started it earlier, it needed to turn over 10 or more times, before it started.

Although it did start.

A couple of times, it sounded like it had run out of juice, from the battery, but it did keep going and did start.

I pulled the battery out to finf the number on it.

I also found a sticker that says the battery is 4 years and 2 months old.

I charged the battery, it settled at 12.60v as i started the tests.

I load tested the battery, it went while loaded down to 11.60v.

Which i understand is OK. There was some corrosion on the terminals so i cleaned them and greased.

I then tested the solenoid, it clicks and gave a reading of 0.2 phm's.

The battery ended up at 12.36v  after doing everything.

I checked the grounds / earths, cleaned them all up, sprayed WD40

I also undid all the electrical connectors, inspected and WD40 them all.

The 2 lever switched appear to be working, will not start on either side until you hold the lever.

I sprayed them, both.

I will see in the morning how it starts, its going to be cold tonight do to 3c.

So see how it is first thing.

As i now know the battery is old, i'm going to see about getting another one in the morning.

Also i'll get filters, and do a service.


Technical | How To / Re: Grand Dink 150cc
« on: December 26, 2018, 12:50:44 PM »

one and all!

Thanks for all the info, ive downloaded some videos on hoe to check stuff, switches, relays, etc.

So ill be busy for the next few days.

I will post the results here late.


General Discussion / Re: Insurance, motorcycles, financing - etc.
« on: December 23, 2018, 07:05:24 PM »
No mandatory insurance on bikes in WA either, strangely it's rather inexpensive compared to other areas.
Just make sure you have some if taking the bike across the boarder though.  All of our neighboring troopers are aware of that fact and would love to ticket you; although I think you could beat it, you'd still have to show up in court where ya got it.

So what happens if you have an accident and are at fault? the other driver gets nothing? So has to sue you?

Technical | How To / Re: Grand Dink 150cc
« on: December 23, 2018, 06:30:10 PM »
I'm in south of Spain. Though I'm from UK, been here a long time now.

Though this is the smallest 2 wheels I've ever owned.

Now i have another question.

Sometimes; seems more often in the early morning, and at night when it is cold: Though it has happened during the day also:

When you press the starter button Nothing happens, it does not turn over at all.

Nothing not a sound.

turn the key, back and forth, nothing.

Then just like magic, it turns over and of course because it is cold, starts after some turns.

I took it to a mechanic, who said it is the battery, you need a new one.

I'm really not sure: Because in my experience, when the battery is weak, it turns over but weakly.

that is not the case here.

When it turns it is turning over correctly, strongly, not missing a beat.

The problem, is that is just does not engage.

I think it is an electrical, something, relay, solenoid, or wiring, earthing issue.

I may very well go and get a new battery as  I've found one for £10.

Any thoughts. Thanks

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