First thing that comes to mind would be a vapor lock, where air gets trapped in the ful line. Typical on really hot days. Check all connections to be sure you dont have a loose wire somewhere. This next idea is a stretch but I have saw where folks have excess amount of keys and the added weight causes issues with the ignition switch. Look more carefully at first two suggestions.
I've driven it in hotter weather before, it was only around 75 degrees here in Minnesota yesterday. Do you think it could vapor lock at that temp, especially with efi? I did look at the connections I could see quick but they all looked good. One thing I didn't do when it happened was listen for the fuel pump with the key on. If it happens again that's what I'll do first. As far as the key weight, I only have a small plastic keychain and single key on it, so I wouldn't think that would cause an issue. I'll drive it around on the roads her today and see if it acts up again. Hopefully it was just a one-time thing but I'd hate to be out on a trail 20 miles from nowhere and have it die on me.