If someone thinks "this can't happen to me", don't wait to act now, need „B” version if something happens !!!!!
I’m lucky because my story It took place in the garage, not on long all day trip far away.
When I took it out the luggage box, quite often checked/cleaned my latches, only two times needed to adjust, because I feel the ingnition key need long turn to open it.
Seat opening always worked, and I read here some forum post, someone stucked, or have problem to adjust, thats why I checked the mechanism, the simple logic etc. , but I’m not found any malfunction.
I did wrong.
When I put back my engine (long story) and setup everything, I was really looking forward to the first trip, clean my bike and dressed up, I want to take out something from luggage box and turn ignition key left.
Pak….I heard some weird click, the right side latch open, the left does not…..
The seat lock cable broken, I tryed to pull them from the front (windshield and nose removed ofcourse) but nothing happened.
It lasted for an hour to lift up the seat one side, and reached another side screw nuts in a narrow gap.
The seat lock cable is safely conducted, I think unreachable for water, but the lower points the seat cable wire corroded and broken. (I don’t even know how ).
So if someone have working seat lock, don’t hesitate to put ZIPtie to the pulling mechanism on the laches, this is the B version and most important for trouble free operation on the safe side. It takes half an hour maybe and we can safely close our values.
Now I put back the new seat cable, lubricated it before installation and leave my ZIPtie puller also in a secure places which only accessible by the owner, which worked for two weeks flawlessly.
Use ignition key to open and don't think about this story.