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Messages - sirrealism

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Agility 50 / Re: humidity went way down and scoot ran better.
« on: October 12, 2010, 12:54:54 AM »
nope didnt catch the acident. just the clean up and the pain on my face lol. feel much better already. have a sore toe lol the rest of the rash looks big but its not deep at all..      scoot is fine couple scratches gives it a little personality lol  plus i think it has been down on that side before. or someone trying to keep the motor cool because the plastic on the right is cut right at the back footrest so the frame took almost  all the load. i drove it to my freinds place  to clean up.

Agility 50 / Re: humidity went way down and scoot ran better.
« on: October 11, 2010, 11:02:41 PM »
thanks art. already have just the k&n filter and no airbox. I built a ram air system and put it on but it faled because of forgeting to conect the vacume line back on the carb. at the time I had jetted up to a 101 wich was to big so I had to jet back. runs pretty good now the way it is. I will try the ram air system again this week.    oh ya these things dont corner like a sport bike. I dumped it this weekend. dont know if I should post it but my friend took vidio of my cleaning my wounds or road rash lol.  maybe a little to much bad language on it but its on youtube already lol

Agility 50 / Re: humidity went way down and scoot ran better.
« on: October 09, 2010, 02:11:36 PM »
Posted by: scootergrisen   thank you for that. Intresting I would have thought I would have had to go the other way but I guess I am wrong again lol. that why I stay on this forum

Agility 50 / humidity went way down and scoot ran better.
« on: October 09, 2010, 12:26:26 PM »
this forum is the best. ok last week humidity went way down with our first cold snapp "if 65 is cold to anyone but sure was a break from the high 90s" anyway I noticed the scoot running better. 3-4 miles an hour better. last 3 days temps are still down but humidity went back up to normal and the scoot went back to the way it was. I think this would mean to jet up because when the humidity is up I have more air and not as much fuel due to the extra water in  the air. any thoughts????? dont want to go the wrong way.     Thanks all 

Tampa fl       God I so want feul injection to solve these problems. I admit I am good with new cars but carberators :P

Agility 50 / Re: how often do you set the valves
« on: September 28, 2010, 12:46:13 AM »
Ok some times I can do some stupid things. it bothered me that my scoot ran so bad with the jet drilled to 101-102. its not that much more then most of the scoots on here that have been modded. but I thought just go smaller. so I did. after I put it in I realized that when I had it apart the last time I didnt hook the vacume back up. doooo!!!! runs much better now lol

Agility 50 / Re: how often do you set the valves
« on: September 27, 2010, 01:19:36 AM »
thanks Art. I am going to order that set monday. Well I thought i need to jet up but I was wrong. I drilled my jet out to a .039 "Micro drill set" and it was to much. It is loading up and I cant get past 30 mph. so I have the cdi cut and a k&n air filter right on the carb so what jet should I get? is there a jet kit with many jets?

Agility 50 / Re: how often do you set the valves
« on: September 26, 2010, 01:17:04 AM »
ok I made some carb changes and want some more rpms on take off and through the mid range. whats the best way. tighter springs on the clutch or the big spring change or lighter rollers?

Agility 50 / Re: how often do you set the valves
« on: September 24, 2010, 10:40:48 PM »
I have to give you credit. the thought of putting a EGR on a scoot is really cool. well its not a true egr but close enuff   You said that it runs better then ever before. what kind of speed are you getting. I know I can push this to get 45 to 50 but I want it to keep that kind of speeds into a good head wind. I hate that in a good head wind I cant get more then about 32 33. but if the wind is at my back I get 42. I am sure I need to jet up. I filled my tank today and wasnt able to put a gallon in and had gone 135 km. too lean lol

Agility 50 / Re: how often do you set the valves
« on: September 24, 2010, 02:02:17 AM »
just a thought but did you think about filtering before the fan. it might have stuck out some but i really like that it runs even with the motor.

Agility 50 / Re: how often do you set the valves
« on: September 24, 2010, 01:32:01 AM »
very nice wordslinger so what did you get for performance increase. I have a little different idea but I like yours a lot

Agility 50 / Re: how often do you set the valves
« on: September 23, 2010, 09:27:59 PM »
looks like its time to do something about this forced induction thing. I am going to do the ram air thing wile I design my forced air device. I am going to have to use a tps sensor but I need one that will run 12 volts and not just 5 like the ones on cars. I am wondering about the guy that is using a turbo on a 50 cc 2 stroke and getting 1.5 pounds of boost, what kind of performance gains he is getting. I am going to email that turbo company now but takes a few days to get a reply. If I can get 3 pounds of boost I think that would be a big increase in performance"once again with the right amount of fuel. i have a buddy with a 4 gas anilizer that should do the trick so I am not plug choping for days lol.

Agility 50 / Re: how often do you set the valves
« on: September 22, 2010, 09:39:57 PM »
  LOL thanks for the encoragement but if I go over 50cc then you have to have a motorcycle licence in FL so I wont be doing that. I will give out some of my idea. Why not a ram air system. It would be simple to do and since an engine is nothing more then an air pump and its all about getting air in and out "with the right amount of fuel mixed in" A turbo or a super charger just forces air in. We are n ot talking about big gains but as I have read on this site so many times every little bit counts. I am going to build it next week and will take pics of my build and post them. also will try to do some runs with and with out to see if I get any gains.  If anyone has any ideas I would apreciate any input.

Agility 50 / Re: Agility 50 Performance Expectations
« on: September 22, 2010, 06:18:07 AM »
I have te same prob.  my brother has a zuma and I have nothing for him YET!!! I do have to say that zuma is really quick out of the hole. I dont think I will ever be able to get him 0 to 10 but after that maybe. we both weight about the same and he is not into moding. from what everyone here says I should have him soon top speed. 2 strokes are all about horse power and rpms where the 4 strokes are more about tork. I just have to make enuff of it lol good luck and happy moding

Agility 50 / Re: how often do you set the valves
« on: September 22, 2010, 03:57:26 AM »
Ok got a reply from MBE Motorsports about the turbo. He said,Hi Brant, I have not tried it on the 50cc yet but I think it might be too
small an engine. I have a customer who is running a turbo on a 50cc 2 stroke
and only getting about 1.5 psi of boost and a 2 stroke has twice the exhaust
as a 4 stroke. It might help if you pit a 52mm (90cc) big bore kit on it.

   So I think the turbo is out. But I have A crazy idea lol. not going to tell anyone about it yet untill I do my reserch about it. dont want to look like a moron lol

Agility 50 / Re: starting problem
« on: September 21, 2010, 03:06:54 AM »
 hmmm didnt think about that. what is the basic setting. is it like others whereyou go all the way in and then 2 turns out?

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