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Messages - skyguy

Pages: [1]
People 250 / Re: P250 rear turn signal lights
« on: October 14, 2010, 08:31:56 PM »
Thanks, guys!  I've been looking for the service manuals but couldn't find them.  I really appreciate the help.

Turns out the problem wasn't the bulb, but a corroded connector.  After some minor work, the turn signal is working just dandy.  The fellows at the local scooter emporium took the bike apart and corrected the problem -- but didn't charge me a dime.  I love scooter people!  They're a lot like airplane people.

By the way, are any of you active on  I registered yesterday but have not received my confirming e-mail and cannot find any way to contact anybody there.  Can anyone suggest something that might help?  I've never seen a forum where you couldn't get in touch with someone for help, but I guess scootforum might be the exception to the rule.

Thanks again,


People 250 / Re: P250 rear turn signal lights
« on: October 14, 2010, 06:05:26 PM »
Thank you, Pedro.  That makes sense.  I'll see if I can find the little slot you're talking about.  I appreciate your help!

And thanks for the welcome as well!


People 250 / P250 rear turn signal lights
« on: October 14, 2010, 05:13:13 PM »
Hi, guys!

I hate to seem so stupid but I need to replace the left-rear light bulb in my 2007 P-250.  Removing the screw from the front of the lens didn't do a thing.  So how do you get the blasted light bulb out anyway?  (Okay, I never said I was a mechanic!)

Thanks for your help,


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