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Messages - slandi

Pages: [1]
People 50 / Re: strange odour on new People S 50 4T
« on: November 14, 2010, 09:05:31 PM »
Hi Axy,

Yes indeed that is my Tomos, for the moment I'm keeping it as my wife has shown interest in maybe riding it. You're right about the Italian heritage as well, born there back in '64 and my family moved to Montreal in '66. OK enough said as this is rather off topic. However, I decided to buy the People as I found the Tomos too small for me and my 6 foot 200 lb frame. I looked for a long time for a more size-appropriate scooter and considered a bunch of Chinese-built machines as well. I didn't want a Yamaha BWs as there are too many of them and they are very much associated with the younger crowd. The Vespas are near and dear to my heart, but are way over-priced in my view. I finally decided on the People after reading some reviews, watching a bunch of Youtube videos, reading many of the postings on this forum and finally, what clinched it was listening to the "Just Gotta Scoot" podcast. David Harrington, host of the podcast is very knowledgeable and had rave reviews on Kymco, so I finally made my decision. It's going to be a long long Winter for me as I can't wait for the Spring/Summer/Fall riding season. Legally I can still ride until December 15th here in Montreal, after that whether or not there is snow on the ground, you need Winter tires otherwise you can't drive, which means all motorcycles are off limits. That's OK, March 15th is the first day they let cars/motorcycles back on the road with Summer/4 season tires, so hopefully if the snow has abated by then, I'll be able to get back on the People. OK, I've rambled enough :))

Is this your Tomos? :)

Btw. Stefano sounds Italian, but I see you live in Canada?

People 50 / Re: strange odour on new People S 50 4T
« on: November 14, 2010, 06:35:13 PM »
Thanks guys, I'm going to call the dealer tomorrow morning just to ask them the same question and see what they say and just make sure they know about my concerns. I feel kind of silly as I should have searched for the term "Smell" in the forums, guess I was just being a little paranoid with my new baby :))
It only has 20 miles on it, so I've got many hundreds of miles to go with that smell :) I'll just leave it outside for 10 minutes or so before bringing it into the garage.

Thanks again guys, it's going to be great reading and hopefully one day helpfully contributing to the forum.



People 50 / strange odour on new People S 50 4T
« on: November 14, 2010, 04:54:34 PM »
Hi Folks, well I'm happy to report that I got my People S 50 4T a few days ago and I just love it! I've noticed however that after riding it for about 20-30 minutes there is a rather strong odour that smells a bit like overheated plastic. I was wondering if this might just be normal and the smell will go away or if perhaps it's an indication that the clutch is burning or something. I'm keeping the speed and acceleration down as I as told by the dealer. I'm going to call the dealer tomorrow and ask them as I'm a bit worried, but before I do I just wanted to bounce it off the people in the forum.



People 50 / Strange gap near floor panel
« on: October 28, 2010, 03:51:12 PM »
Hi Folks,

UPDATE: I never purchased this particular scooter so it's a mute point below. However, I purchased a brand new scooter and I do have another post on a strange odour that is coming from the scooter.



I'm a first time poster and hopefully in a few days a new People S 50 4T owner. The particular scooter I'm looking at is located at a used dealer quite a ways from my plane and the salesperson has kindly sent me pictures before I go and see it. The scooter has some scratches on it, but what gets me is this strange gap that I see right in front of the left hand passenger foot peg between the floor panel and the side panel. Perhaps someone could tell me if this is just the floor panel that might be slightly out of adjustment or do some People S 50's have this particular gap and it's perfectly normal. I've attached the picture of the floor panel showing the gap. Thanks all, looking forward to being a People S 50 owner.


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