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Messages - scooter250

Pages: [1]
Well, Not knocked over but I had a Yamaha 50 Special
Once. I parked it in a motel parking lot and got a bus to
Reno from Auburn. It was over 100 degrees. The sides and
Sank through the asphalt. When I came back at the end of the day the bike was leaning like I'd never seen before.
The rear tire was off the ground by about 2 inches.
When I pulled it out of ground gravel came out with the sidestand. That was kinda crazy 😳

General Discussion / Re: rediculous registration fees in Oregon
« on: June 03, 2019, 04:51:06 AM »
The class is a good idea. I agree. But the cost is pretty high.
The four year registration is is a fact for new vehicles
Registered in Washington County. The cost is the same as
Registering a car $118.00 per year. I know Oregon does not have sales tax.... BUT they do have property tax, gas tax
Motel taxes tobaco tax liquor tax. Believe me, Oregon has
Taxes. Your car is taxed registration is taxed and income

General Discussion / rediculous registration fees in Oregon
« on: June 03, 2019, 12:09:20 AM »
Anyone else from Washington County Oregon Did you buy your scoot NEW?
I just went to a dealer and looked at scooters. They are very nice. But cost prohibitive
because of the high fees Oregon feels they need to require before you can roll out the door.
1. License requirement...Take a course $200.00
2. Pay for FOUR, 4 for, (However you spell it it sucks)
2. Cont.   Washington County requires you to pay for 4 years of registration UP FRONT! on top of tax and dealer fees.
Has anyone else heard of these stupid tactics?
I would think scooters would be a little cheaper. They keep bitching about the environment then price people
out of environmentally friendly vehicles.
Whats your take?

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