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Messages - CamaroMan79

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Agility 125 / Re: Lost an important spark plug part
« on: May 06, 2014, 04:20:16 AM »
Isn't that just the boot though.  The piece I was talking about was a brass cylindrical piece that set on top of the spark plug threads where the tip would be.  It's held in place by a horseshoe clip around the brass then that snaps up into the spark plug wire

Agility 125 / Lost an important spark plug part
« on: May 05, 2014, 06:47:21 PM »
I was putting a new spark plug on my 125 earlier and I needed to take the gold top off of the spark plug.  It is held on there by a small horseshoe clip.......we'll safe to say I lost that lil sob, now I'm stuck.  I can't find it in any parts catalog so I don't know what else to do.

I guess my next step will probably the hardware store but that's 2 towns over and am not sure if they will have a clip that small.

Any ideas?

Agility 125 / Re: Fuel filter
« on: April 03, 2013, 05:52:13 PM »
Mary.......My engine is air cooled not liquid cooled so no antifreeze.

MotoRandy.......From looking at that picture it appears that I have to remove the seat to get to the strainer?

I have been having all sorts of problems with this scooter since about 1200km.  I will never by another Kymco product.  I had to have the belt replaced at 2500km and sever since about 3300km it has been slipping again from a dead stop up until about 20km then it engages.  The scooter has no power from a dead stop it falls on its face.  I was hoping changing the fuel filter/screen would help it because I really dont want to have another belt put on it.  They charged me $225 last time.

If I knew how to change it I would.  Also after about 1000km this scooter started riding VERY rough.  There is no cushion what soever in the fornt or rear shocks and I took it in under warranty multiple times to several dealers and they all told me nothing was wrong  :o  But what do I know I just ride it every day  ::)

It took it on a 60 mile country ride yesterday and its getting parked.  It literally feels like its going to shake apart when you ride it.

Agility 125 / Fuel filter
« on: April 02, 2013, 05:55:53 PM »
How do I change the fuel filter on my Agility 125?

I don't even see one on the engine.

Also how often should they be replaced?  My scooter has 3900km on it.

Agility 125 / What would you do? I need help.
« on: May 29, 2012, 09:03:46 PM »
I have a 2009 Agility that I bought new from a dealer in 2010.  I know have just under 3500mk on it.

At 1000km the scooter started riding really rough and I noticed that the front shocks lost their cushioning and were noisey when u pushed down on the front of the scooter.

Shortly after that, when I would ride the scooter over 40mph it seemed like the back tire was wobbling. Putting the scoote ron the stand and reving it up I did not see the tire woblle but it still felt like it was doing so when riding.

I rode it for about another month until I decided that it seriously needed to be looked at.

So I took it to a dealer (Note: the dealer I bought it from was 175 miles form me. I bouhgt it there because i was staying in that area for awhile, but had sinced moved back home)

I took it to the local dealer. ZTold them that something was wrong with the front shocks(they supposedly took them apart and said nothing was wrong with them. I told them that this was BS. The mechanic even pushed down on the front of the scooter and told me the shocks didnt seem right)  The dealer put different fluid it in and said it was fixed. So I go to pick it up, ride it around the block for a test ride and it still feels the same and is still making the "squish sound" . This dealer wanted me pay them $125 for working on it even though it was still WELL under warranty. I refused and told them the problem was not fixed and I just took my scooter.

I rode it for a few more months and the problems just got worse with it. Soo I took it back to the Origianl dealer in Monroe, WA. The guy unloaded it and rode it a short distance into their grage. He came back and said that it seemed like there was something up with the front end because he could tell how rode it rough just from riding it the 100ft. or so.

I waited 2hr and they supposedly took the front end apart and inspected it and could not find an issue. They took it off the lift and this big 300lb mechanic got on it and rode it away for about 10 minutes and came back and said that there was nothing wrong with it. "Your joking" I said.  By this time Im getting pretty pissed. I told the guy who unloaded it (the fornt counter guy) that I was really worried about it and that something was not right with it. His exact words were "just ride it, it'll be ok, your tires wont fall off or anything"

WOW.....real reassuring.

SO, I took it back home and rode it for a few more months with the same problems, no suspension cushion and wobbly feeling back tire.  THEN the belt started slipping on it. By this time there is about 2500km on it. I decided to take it to a DIFFERENT shop then the first shop in my town. The mechanic rode it then took off the belt and showed me the belt--it needed to be replaced "Great im out $250 for parts and labor cuz the warranty wont cover belts".

I ask the mechanic is that was common for a belt to go out this early and he said that it was very strange. He said it can happen with novice riders, but I have been riding for 20yrs.

He replaced the belt and I rode it and the perofrmance was now once again fine and the back wheel wobble was gone. "GREAT".

I paid the shop and took it home.

This brings me to about 2 months ago. I was riding it and noticed that the scooter was falling flat on its face from a dead stop. I could floor it and it would accelarate very slowly. I didnt feel the belt slipping though.  That wa suntil 3 days ago. Now when I take off from a stop i can feel it slipping again.

WTF is up with this thing? I still have 5 months left on my 2yr warranty and this thing still rides rough, and has no power form a dead stop. Im tired of taking it to the shops and having to PAY for work that I shouldn't have too.  I'll be damned if Im going to pay for another belt. It only has 800 miles on it since the new belt was put on.

Im looking for ideas on how to persue this. I tsitll owe the finance company $400 on this thing, and I dont even ride it because its literally falling apart.

What would you guys do if you were in my situation?

Agility 125 / Re: Slow acceleration from dead stop
« on: April 07, 2012, 01:20:44 AM »
I'm gonna vote for carburetor clean-up, this doesn't sound like any belt related issue,
and yeah, it's very strange the belt was worn at that mileage. Are you the first owner
of the scoot?

Maybe someone messed with it before..

Yes im the first owner, Its a 2009 and I bought it new in 2010.

How would I go about cleaning it? Take it off and clena it with carb cleaner?

Agility 125 / Slow acceleration from dead stop
« on: April 03, 2012, 11:23:28 PM »
Over the last year my Agility 125 has had a problem accelerating from a dead stop.

I Have to give it full throttle and it takes off slow then gradually speeds up.  After I get to 20-25mph I can let off the throttle and give it throttle again and it accelerates fine.

The scooter has 3,100km.

I took it to a shop last year when it first started doing it and they replaced the belt which was pretty worn (they said this was unusual for the amount of miles).

The belt change helped some, but the scooter still doesn't accelerate from a dead stop like It did when I first bought it.

What could be going on?

Its not an air filter problem because I have changed that with no difference.

Could it be that the belt needs to be tightened more?  It does not feel like the belt is slipping(I did feel it slipping before I had the belt changed) but it hasnt slipped since the new belt.

Agility 125 / Re: Front brake adjustment
« on: April 03, 2012, 11:15:37 PM »
If it hasn't always been this way then flushing the brakes and cleaning the diaphragm will probably help you.

If it's always been this way - then you can drill and tap the plunger part of the lever to put a bolt or round headed screw in it for adjustment.  You could also ride your bike into the dealer and check out the brake levers on the models like the Xciting that have adjustable levers - you may find one that will fit.

Its hasnt always been this way, so it proably needs to be done.

What would the correct way to do this be"?

Agility 125 / Front brake adjustment
« on: March 22, 2012, 12:49:15 AM »
How do I adjust the freeplay in my front brake leve ron my 09 agility 125? 

I got the rear brake adjusted which was easy(Just screw the nut in on the rod)

But I cant find an adjustment anywhere on the front caliper or front brake lever. My front brake is a hydraulic brake, not cable driven.

Agility 125 / Do I have a Lemon?
« on: August 22, 2011, 12:10:47 AM »
I bought a new 2009 Agility in November of last year with a 2yr warranty. All was good (other than the speedo being off by about 8mph) until I got around 1500km on it. Since then it rides VERY rough and has bad vibration in it especially at higher speeds. I have had 2 different dealers take apart and inspect the front shocks, because they are very noisey and do not cushion worth a **** since around 1500km.  Both dealers say they cant find anything wrong with them and tell me that its safe to ride.  The rear of the scooter seems to ride just as rough as the front.

Also on 2 seperate occasions, I have filled my tank up, rode the scooter around, parked it and came out an hour later and had the scooter not start. The first time I decided to syphon gas out of the tank and replace it. This last time I got the scooter to start with the airbox and cleaner off but I was running very rough. I managed to get it home but it was popping through the exahsut the whole time. I parked it at home and started it up the next day and it ran fine as can be. Im not sure whats going on there. Not sure if its just bad gas im getting (bought the gas at two different stations) or if its an engine problem.  I also notice that it is hard to start after it has been parked for an hour or two when its hot out and its sitting in the sun.

The Newest problem:

A couple days ago the scooter started slipping. I take off from a stop and i almsot have to peg the throttle out for it to get going a decent speed. Once i get up to about 20 I can back off the throttle and it accelerates fine.  Could there be a broken rib on the belt or something? This scooter has 2350km on it now.

I am VERY unhappy with this scooter. Everyone told me that Kymco made a good product, so I bought one.

I would be happy if Kymco would by it back from me or offer me a new scooter/cash trade type of deal, but I doubt they would do that.

I am to the point now that I dont even ride it because it is so sketchy/uncomfortable to ride. I am financing this thing and still owe $860 on it.

Agility 125 / Jumpy idle
« on: March 24, 2011, 12:08:13 AM »
I have a 2009 Agility 125 with 625 miles on it. Lately the idle has been going up and down when I come to a stop. The idle also goes up and down when its warming up in the morning which i assumed was normal because its cold, but since its doing it after warmed up Im thinking something needs to be adjusted on the carb?

If I took it into a dealer would they fix this for free? I still have a year and a half on the warranty.

Also I notice when I come to a stop and press the rear brake lever, the vibration of the engine changes. Is this normal?

General Discussion / Re: Brake changes exhaust note
« on: February 21, 2011, 03:02:24 AM »
Hard to tell.

General Discussion / Brake changes exhaust note
« on: February 21, 2011, 01:06:45 AM »
I noticed  on my agility 125 today while ideling at a stop light that when i press in the left brake handle(rear) it changes the sound of the exhaust. Anyone else notice this on their scooter?

Also, I noticed that when my scooter is warming up from a cold start, the idle goes up and down. Is this normal? It has even died a few times while warming up.

Agility 125 / Seat hard to close
« on: November 21, 2010, 09:09:25 PM »
Is anyone else's agility 125 seat hard to close? I really have to slam mine down to get it to lock.

Agility 125 / New engine break in
« on: November 21, 2010, 09:08:46 PM »
I have an 09 Agility 125 that I recently bought new with only 4km miles. I now have almost 300km on it. In the manual it says to keep the engine under 35mph for the first 1000km. How important is this?  The main road that goes to the town I work in is a 45mph stretch, and 'im wondering if it is ok to drive it at 45mph, or if it will be bad for the engine?

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