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Messages - OrangeSuper8

Pages: [1]
Super 8 150 / Left brake lever
« on: May 11, 2021, 07:16:40 PM »
Long story short, I've searched really hard for this one part. Sold out, wrong one, wrong color, and my favorite, the site that literally has every year of this scooter except for 2019; it skips it and has 2020, why? Oh and that Kymco parts site has diagrams of the entire bike, but there's no left brake lever to be seen, and you can't just search for it like that, you have to go through the silly schematics.

I found one on eBay but they want like $35 shipping.

Finally called the dealership and had to sit on the phone with him for 20 minutes while he searched for it and couldn't find it. Then he finally did and said he ordered it but he says he's honest to God not sure if it'll ever show up.

So my 2 year old scooter that I'm not even finished paying off apparently already has parts problems?

Super 8 150 / Slippery tires?
« on: April 09, 2020, 09:40:31 PM »
Long story short I've had a couple incidents, one of which made sense, slipping on fresh asphalt that had not been rained on yet, and it was pouring rain.  But the other, that happened yesterday, blew my mind. I was crossing over concrete in a parking lot and was blown sideways by the wind, like straight sideways. It only moved me an inch, but I couldn't believe it. It was just starting to rain, but even if it was pouring I wouldn't expect such a thing. In fact, since I'm a newb to riding, I Googled about riding in the rain, and found many people enjoy it and it's not a big deal. Well I'm scared of the wind/rain now for sure.

Could it be my tires? 2019 Kymco Super 8. They look slippery but most motorcycle tires look that way to me.

Super 8 150 / Handlebar height
« on: August 30, 2019, 07:47:03 PM »
Is there a way to raise them? I can touch my knees with my thumbs while holding the handgrips. I'm already sitting on the crack of the seat.

Super 8 150 / Can anything be done about the seat?
« on: August 09, 2019, 02:46:38 PM »
I'm 6'4" and my knees still sometimes hit the handlebars when I'm sitting on the crack. I'm often adjusting myself at stops to try and get as far back as I can. I even tried sitting on the passenger seat completely, which probably looked as silly as it felt.

I'm willing to spend a lot of money for a solution. But I already know there's probably never going to be a custom seat for this thing, so what else can I do? I don't know if stuffing the gap with something would really do much, I'm thinking of more of a soft seat cover that covers the entire seat. Plus, the seat isn't that comfortable, so I'd like more cushion anyway.

Super 8 150 / Re: Top Speed - (Super 8 150)
« on: July 30, 2019, 04:33:21 AM »
I just got my 2019, I've only put 30 miles on it, but I can't get it past 50 MPH. I'm 255 pounds though.

I don't know how some of you get to 60+ MPH, that's crazy. I have a hard time believing an extra 50 pounds does that much. Guy who posted before me is light and said he can only get to 51 MPH as well. But he's the only person I've seen say this scoot does less than 55 MPH.

Super 8 150 / Re: How do I secure a Super 8 150 to a trailer?
« on: July 30, 2019, 04:13:15 AM »
I just did mine with 4 ratcheting tie downs from any hardware store. $20. And I didn't even need all 4, I just used 3. 1 for the back, thru the luggage rack, attached to both sides of the motorcycle trailer, then 1 for each handlebar. Go around the handlebar in such a way that it doesn't slide off and doesn't press on any of the cables. I was able to do it just fine. You don't need that expensive Canyon Dancer.

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