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Messages - Alpha95

Pages: [1]
Technical | How To / Re: KYMCO like 200 keeps dying
« on: August 14, 2019, 10:24:00 PM »
Thanks for the correction CROSSBOLT, not familiar with these bikes so didn't know. The few Kymco bikes I've had in our workshop including a 2015 Kpipe have been carb so just assumed  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Vinyl wrapping
« on: August 14, 2019, 09:45:02 PM »
I worked in a car wrapping shop as head strip fitter for a little while and had a few practice goes at wrapping parts on a quiet day when there was left over material. Really not as easy as it looks, also depends on material. I imagine you had a struggle with some of the curves on that bike  ;D I used to do a lovely job on some parts and then the last corner I'd get a crease I couldn't budge lol. Some of these wrap guys have real talent and technique. Looks like a good job on your scooter though!

Technical | How To / Re: KYMCO like 200 keeps dying
« on: August 14, 2019, 09:04:09 PM »
I'd do all Stig has mentioned and definitely a new battery as if its been in the bike since 2013 as it really is due a new one, tender or no tender. If its hot where you are also check that the choke isn't stuck on, some of these chokes ain't great and if its running rich then opening the throttle will just cause it to bog and die on a warm engine. Put up a video if you can so everyone here can hear the engine as we could be clutching at straws otherwise. Is there any other things like does there seem to be more smoke than there usually is? Have you checked that the spark plug itself hasn't rattled slightly loose? It can be very hard to diagnose a bike with just text to rely on  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Kymco K-Pipe mod ideas?
« on: August 14, 2019, 08:36:01 PM »
Thanks for the reply Stig. You'll have to excuse my late reply, currently moving our motorcycle workshop to a new area and, well, you can imagine the equipment and spare parts we have to move. There is small motorcycle rear lights , you see them on a lot of chinese bikes. I'll put a picture in with this post and I can guarantee you've seen them before lol. Damp and grit isn't great on these bikes, funny though as it is a 2015 motorcycle and I have a 1995 Suzuki RF 600 that was neglected between 2 sheds , just left to rot, and that is immaculate compared to this thing. But I can see that the Kymco is probably a fun little bike. Was going to be my girlfriends first motorcycle as you are restricted to 125cc bikes over here until you do a test. Shes changed her mind now and I've given her a little bobber we built together, still not quite finished but suits her better with height and gearing. Not got many pictures of the Kymco but I've attached two here. Arrived to us with a flat tyre, very bent forks that leaked everywhere and a very neglected engine. You can see the small puddle on the front of the ramp, that's fork oil. I am not even going to mention the weld someone has attempted on the exhaust

IMG-0005" border="0 IMG-0017" border="0
s-l1600" border="0

General Discussion / Kymco K-Pipe mod ideas?
« on: August 12, 2019, 11:37:40 PM »
Hi everyone. New to the forum from the UK. Got a little Kymco K-Pipe that's starting to gather dust. Bought it a few months ago and haven't got round to fixing it up yet. It's a little beat up, only got round to taking the motor out for a piston and valve seal change. There is some damage to the bike which includes bent forks (luckily got some spare though a few millimeters taller) and the worst bit for me is the broken rear light. Worst for me seeing as I can't find any cheap in the UK and for me it's not worth tipping a lot of money into. Though hands on work I'm not afraid of. My thought is fibreglass and smooth out the tail to fit a smaller universal brake light that sets me back less than £10. Just wondering if anyone has one of these that they've damaged and done some modifications to make up for it? Or any other ideas? Don't see many of these on the roads here at all. Maybe for good reason considering the state of the low mileage engine and overall condition of other parts considering its a 2015 plate, but can safely say I've worked on much worse. I have a small motorcycle workshop so plenty or tools and equipment for any craziness. Any ideas much appreciated 😁

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