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Messages - Metaipod

Pages: [1]
LIKE 200i / Re: HELP, my 2015 would not do anything!!!
« on: September 07, 2019, 03:01:35 AM »
I did check and replace the 2 fuses on the battery, compartment, the battery is in good condition because i bought like like 4 months ago. I'll guess i have no other option but to take it to the experts even though it's sound like a simple solution. Thanks for the responde and tips. If anyone else wanna throw another idea.... Is more than welcome.

LIKE 200i / HELP, my 2015 would not do anything!!!
« on: September 04, 2019, 01:51:10 AM »
Hello everyone, i have a 2015 like200i and it has work like a charm, but i let it rest for a few mont and now with a fully charge battery, when i put the key on the on position... Nothing works, not the headlight,horn, taillight...ext not even the dash. I test most of the thing with a volt tester and everything has power.... I need help before i gave up and take it to the shop so the can charge me pretty well for maybe something easy. Any tough???

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