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Messages - autocol

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Side By Side / Re: Intermittent ignition/fuel issue
« on: November 18, 2019, 12:59:22 AM »
This is really great feedback, thanks lads.

I'll start with a check of the fuel situation because I have no idea what's in there - it came with some amount of fuel of unknown provenance, so it could be that.

I'll download a copy of the manual too, thanks for that suggestion (love the internet!). I'll report back soon.

Side By Side / Intermittent ignition/fuel issue
« on: November 17, 2019, 11:33:54 AM »
Hey folks,

Great to find a community of peeps that love their Kymco's! I've had a decent search through old threads and I haven't found anyone with the issue I'm experiencing, so I hope you'll excuse the new guy immediately asking for help! 😂

I bought a 2017 450i second-hand, in great condition. Test drove it for 15 minutes or so, everything seemed great. The shifter was a little difficult to use, and the park brake cable was broken, but other than that it started and ran beautifully.

I got it back to my place and used it to collect a bunch of firewood from around the place, again about 30 mins of use, idling for a few minutes as I loaded it up, then driving back to the house, no issues at all. Then I took it out to the hills out the back, and after about 15 mins it started... dying. It would run fine, but then just completely stop responding, as though it was lacking either fuel or spark. Opening the throttle had no impact. It crawled to a halt, coughed and spluttered, then died. Switched it off, started it up again and it ran perfectly... for 50 metres, then same result.

Since then, it's done that consistently. Runs fine for at most a minute or two, then starts misfiring (never backfires though, in case that's important).

Today, I turned the key and while all the lights came up as per usual, it didn't start. Didn't even turn over. Turned it off again, same again. Then played around with the shifter, and this time it started.

I'm beginning to wonder if there's some switches related to the shifter that might be causing some kind of ignition cut-out or something? Is it likely to be an electrical gremlin (which is seems to me to be), or is there something else that might be at fault.

Any advice, guidance, ideas you could share would be much appreciated. If it's helpful, here's a video of the behaviour it's exhibiting...


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