« on: June 14, 2024, 11:31:24 PM »
Howdy, lots of interesting answers.
I will just go down the list.
1. yes it is new a 2022. Maybe its old technology, yes a carb.
2.I ride it every day and it is hot out, im in Florida, gas is fresh.
3.Maybe the hose got water somewhere it shouldn't have.
4. Ive been riding no problem , went away for a week , started and ran when came back no problem. Today it rained part of the day. I started it and got half way to laundry ( half a mile ) and it stumbled but made it. I started it leaving made it 50 yards and stumbled. When you pull on throttle it slowly dies and no power. So I was prepared and like before , first I pulled off the outside cover of airfilter. It started areved a little better but it stalled on the stand when I pulled back on throtlle. I made it a block and that was it. I pulled the filter off and it started up.When you look thru filter yo see day light and it seems dry. It started but I sprayed starter fluid in it to get me home, which is 3 blocks, if I keep throttle on lightly it wont stall. But heck cant live like this ! Any ideas my friends ? Thank you.