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Messages - Kbplaza

Pages: [1]
Side By Side / Re: Power steering kit for 450i xuv
« on: May 09, 2021, 01:24:51 AM »
My kymco 450 I handles the tracks with zero issues.  The machine will go 37 mph with tracks and don’t slow down or bog down.  It’s a blast in the deep snow and will go anywhere you want and over huge snow banks.  Saying the machine cant handle tracks shows you have no experience with them.  The kymco dealer put them on the machine for the first owner of the machine and bought it used. 

Side By Side / Power steering kit for 450i xuv
« on: February 23, 2021, 01:31:04 AM »
I’m looking to put power steering on my 450i xuv for winter use with Casmo track kit.  Had
S any found a kit or way to do this.  Then this would be the perfect side by side. 

Side By Side / Kymco UXV 450i rear brake groan/squeal
« on: October 24, 2020, 01:07:52 AM »
I picked up a used kymco 450i uxv and noticed the rear brakes squealed like a whale very loudly.  I replaced all the pads and it didn’t seem to help at all.  It drives me nuts, could there be a missing tensioner or is there organic pads available somewhere?  Any help would be greatly appreciated, I hate when every stops and stares when I pull in someplace. 

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