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Messages - marcohildebrandt

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Technical | How To / Re: Kymco Like 200i Power loss
« on: January 30, 2020, 10:51:55 PM »
Thank you everyone for your help, very much appreciated. I have learnt a lot with everyone's help especially Stig. Bought a manual to get my head around how the 200i hangs together.

I have spent 5 days exploring every option online (eBay, Amazon etc etc) and local motorcycle wreckers, but sadly to no avail. There were some universal cheap flimsy mufflers that were not worth the effort.

In the end the dealer beat the price down from Kymco to $AU750, almost half price, which is a similar price to an after market from Europe or Asia by the time you add freight. Australia is a loooog way from anywhere and $US 1 = $AU .67 putting us well and truly behind the eight ball.
With 8 people with corona virus in my hospital there are fortunately for me, a lot of extra shifts going that will help me pay this one off. No rest for the wicked!

I did explore some electric motorcycles and there are some good ones coming out. I will go down that path for my next purchase. Less maintenance/moving parts to go wrong. There is a Super Soco TC Max that does 95km/h (about 60m/h) that will be released in Australia this year.

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco Like 200i Power loss
« on: January 29, 2020, 12:28:25 PM »
As the dealer tried a brand new exhaust that resolved the issue of a loss of power even after only 9500km I guess it has to be the issue.

I bought the manual for the like 200i today and it lists possible causes of a loss of power;

caved exhaust muffler
clogged exhaust muffler or exhaust muffler air leak

I also had to replace the drive belt at only 8500km so maybe my scooter was built on a Friday  ;)

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco Like 200i Power loss
« on: January 29, 2020, 10:38:18 AM »
Thank you for your reply and assistance, my scooter is still in pieces at the dealer, but I found out that there is a sensor closer to the motor itself, so as you say, if I cut the pipe near the silencer I should be OK, I just need to find a supplier which is not easy in Australia  :-\

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco Like 200i Power loss
« on: January 29, 2020, 07:06:08 AM »
So for a non mechanical person, from what I understand, my issue is a blocked silencer (the round thing at the end of the exhaust pipe next to the back wheel). So if I cut that off and replace it with a after market silencer it should fix my problem?
Also, I am assuming the sensor on the Like 200i is located closer to the engine, so by cutting the silencer off towards the rear of the scooter I should not have to replace it if I only replace the silencer.

Does anyone know of a reliable supplier of a silencer for a kymco like 200i that ships to Australia and am I right in thinking above?

Thank you in advance for all you mechanical mind people  ;)

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco Like 200i Power loss
« on: January 29, 2020, 04:31:24 AM »
Just to clarify, the dealer thinks that the exhaust is blocked NOT the catalytic converter. I live near the beach and most metal rusts quickly.

Also he said that the sensor is required for the fuel injection computer? But where is the sensor? if I cut the exhaust pipe just before the exhaust box I can leave the sensor where it is, as I assume it is closer to the engine?

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco Like 200i Power loss
« on: January 28, 2020, 02:10:14 AM »
Update on the power loss issue, the dealer on the Gold Coast has checked everything including fuel system, electrical system and has temporarily put a new Like 200i exhaust system on my scooter which solved the issue. But a new genuine exhaust in Australia costs around $AU 1200  :o  Apparently there is a catalytic converter in the exhaust!

Now we have to find a reasonable after market exhaust available in Australia.... or get what I can for it and buy a motorcycle

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco Like 200i Power loss
« on: January 07, 2020, 10:45:18 AM »
My exhaust is more noisy since the loss of power but the dealer didn't think it was an issue at the time, a genuine exhaust is around $AU2000 or $AU300 plus on ebay non standard. Thank for your advice, will have the fuel system and valves checked and if not resolved then head down the exhaust path

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco Like 200i Power loss
« on: January 07, 2020, 03:27:23 AM »
 checked fuel cap breather hole was ok
Replaced battery, some improvement, can now do 80-90km/h (50-56 miles/h) but still have intermittent power loss especially at higher speeds and up hills, so will have other items looked at by dealer that were recommended here.

Thank you so much everyone’s help

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco Like 200i Power loss
« on: January 06, 2020, 12:00:59 PM »
Thank you DanH, we are ok now near Brisbane the fires went through us in September and November, never seen anything like it in my life.
I will definitely post the solution, the least I can do in return for your support

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco Like 200i Power loss
« on: January 06, 2020, 11:13:18 AM »
Thank you everyone for your advice🙂 , I will go armed with it back to the dealer.
Stig, no blinks from light.

I'm a nurse and can fix people but motors are a bit beyond me😖😜
I will replace the battery as per your (Stig's) comment, makes sense and check vent hole, guess a blocked life support ventilator tube would have the same effect on a patient 😜

Technical | How To / Kymco Like 200i Power loss
« on: January 06, 2020, 07:09:34 AM »
Would like some advice on power loss issue. Kymco Like 200i 163cc fuel injected model purchased new 2015 in Australia. It now has 9300km on clock (January 2020) with one drive belt change at 8000km. Scheduled services by Kymco authorised dealer I purchased from on Gold Coast.

From new I could sit at 90-100km/h and stay ahead of cars from lights. Around 8000km started to have issues with loss of power. About same time had issues with drive belt slippage and replaced by Kymco authorised dealer I purchased from. He though power issue related to drive belt and to wait for new one to wear in.

Drive belt has worn in but still have issues with power loss. Dealer can't find any issues. Symptoms; power ok until throttle reaches around 60-70% travel, any further and I lose power. Top speed now only 70-80km/h if I am lucky on a straight flat section of road. Also sometimes more so in winter, after starting and first time accelerating the motor stutters. If you release throttle and accelerate and repeat a few times it clears. (winter in Brisbane is not that cold, around 10-15 degrees Celsius min temps at night).

I have done the usual, checked for kinked fuel lines, changed spark plug myself and oil. All cables/electrics look secure. Always use premium 98 octane fuel and good quality oil and standard spark plug as per user manual. Only thing I found was a battery with fluid level at about half way and white powder on top of lead plates. After topping up and charge voltage OK and keeping charge OK.

I would appreciate any advice. Thank you in advance, Marco

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