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Messages - scootit

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Grandvista 250 / Re: Make the seat more comfortable?
« on: July 17, 2012, 05:22:16 PM »
I raised the backrest and added more foam to the seat. I love having a back rest that is against my back. I removed the seat cover  and back rest. I got some 2" foam and padded the seat. Cut foam ends at an angle so it fits down to the original foam. Replaced cover. I added lots of extra foam to the front of seat. My seat now has a big nose. I don't slide forward anymore. I added black fabric to bottom of seat cover to give it extra fabric to cover foam. Stapled cover back on. I used brackets that I bent a bit to raise the back rest.  Covered a piece of foam to place over brackets, covered back rest with same fabric so ugle back of backrest looked  nice. Easy to do. I hand sewed everything. Took me maybe 1 1/2 to complete. If I sell scooter eveything can be removed and back to original seat.  Cost 1/2 yard of fake leather and  a few packs of foam seating pieces.
Ask if you have any questions.
Next I will make a seat cover. This seat sure gets hot in the sun.
Good luck

General Discussion / Re: HELP
« on: December 21, 2011, 02:25:06 AM »
Can you add some ties to the bottom? A few hand stitches into a rope will keep it attached to the cover then you can tie it to the scooter. Be careful you don't want to make it a wind sock!
Due tell....I am almost 56 and have only been on a scooter for 2 years now. What took me so long?????????????/

General Discussion / Re: Keeping warm while riding.
« on: December 14, 2011, 05:55:52 PM »
I made a scooter skirt. It took me about an hour and it works great. Yes it looks funny when you get off the scooter but when keeps me warm.  All it is is a square with ties around the waist. I did round my off at the bottom a bit and added reflective tape to it.
Now I am interested in the hand warmer( wind reflectors ) made from a visor. I have to check out my scoot.
Keep warm

General Discussion / Re: Keeping warm while riding.
« on: December 09, 2011, 06:55:54 PM »
Please tell me more about this extra battery that you have. I have no idea what your talking about so be basic with me. Where do I get one, is it just placed under your seat and how much do they cost and... can I get hurt from it if I touch it by accident???????? I need to stay warmer this time of year.

Grandvista 250 / Re: GPS mount for GV250
« on: November 22, 2011, 08:42:02 PM »
I just use the suction part that came with my GPS. I ride all the time and never had any troubles. I just hook the GPS onto the mount , run the wire under the seat and plug it in.  These GPS are cheap the day after Thanksgiving so if you lose it, so what.

General Discussion / Re: Keeping warm while riding.
« on: November 22, 2011, 08:36:24 PM »
I always carry a pack of those little hotties pack in my front pocket. I have them out of the package and ready to use. Snap it and shove it into your glove or even pocket. Costco has a large box right now for cheep. For the small price i use them when it is cold out. Also I bought a pair of snow pants. Make sure they unzip at the ankle area. They slip right on and off, roll up small for storage. You can get them at a goodwill for under $15. I do not like being cold when I ride.

Grandvista 250 / Re: Speakers on Scooter
« on: November 10, 2011, 05:06:06 PM »
I have the Scala rider Q2 Multiset by Cardo. I got it last year- the day after Thanksgiving sale-ordered on line-free shipping. Payed $189 for it. We use it all the time- I never use the FM radio but it get a few chanels. My husband and I talk all the time, I get phone calls and you c an have your GPS talk too( if GPS is bluetooth compatable. I only answer the phone, talk to husband and have Ipod attached. When not talking it goes to music. When we travel at 60MPH on the freeway we have to yell to hear each other but it does work. Music has to be load also if on busy highway. Is this device perfect-no. But it works great for us. I just saw it at this price last week-so cycle gear does run the sale this time of year. I broke mine last month and was corrected by mailing part to company. Got it right back for no fee just cost for me to mail to Cardo.

General Discussion / Re: Shad Top case
« on: November 10, 2011, 04:46:19 PM »
Good to know. At that price I would of gotton a new one. What size do you have on your scooter?? I am looking for a larger one.

Grandvista 250 / Re: Speakers on Scooter
« on: October 15, 2011, 06:28:35 PM »
I just got a cummunication device that has a hook up for my IPod. Hooks to my helmet so Only I can hear it. When talking to my husband on his scooter the music stops. This device also lets you get phone calls and hear your GPS too. Look into them. I got it on the day after Thanksgiving for a great deal.

Grandvista 250 / Re: Seat modifications?/
« on: October 15, 2011, 06:23:50 PM »
I am still working on my seat modifications. So far I have raised the back rest up 8 inches. I got 3 mending brackets and used the holes that are on the seat and scooter. This change was easy and I did not make any real changes to the scooter. The only change was to peel off the back rest from the scoot. I needed to bend the bars just a bit to make them slope with the scooter. When completed I used a small square of foam to cover the brackets. I covered the foam with fake leather to match the scooter seat. I made sure the foam cover went up behind the seat and attached to the screws. I just cut some holes into the cover material and slipped it over the holes. I bought a plastic basket from the dollar store, cut out a piece the shape of the back of the seat. Placed the plastic over the screws again cutting holes into the plastic to match the screws. My plastic is bright green, black would be the best color to use if possible. I also got a drawer pull that matched the screw and have a place to bungie to now. The drawer pull helps to keep the plastic on. I will make a cover for the whole seat but you could just keep it this way. This upgrade is great. I had removed the backrest because it pushed me to far forward and I felt like I was falling off the scooter. I missed the backrest.  After riding for 2 hours last week I am so happy to have the back rest back on.
I am still adding form to the front of the seat. So far I have added 6 inch wide foam to the front. I cut the foam piece to slope in the front to match up with the oringinal foam from the seat. I have 3 two inch pieces on top of each other. This makes the nose of the seat look large but I love it. Now I have something for my legs to hold onto and rest against when riding. All I did was hand sew an extra strip of fake leather to the bottom of my seat fabric. I used the holes from the staples so I again never changes the seat fabric to make these changes. I am still working on the comfort of this. When completed I will just staple the seat cover back onto the plastic seat. If needed to sell the scooter someday I just will remove what I did.

Grandvista 250 / Re: Dog on a Scooter!
« on: September 05, 2011, 03:49:50 PM »
Is that dog safe??? They must ride slow for the dog to be safe. Having a small dog- I cage her and she rides in the cage on my scoot. On the other hand--that is cool that the dog likes to ride!

Grandvista 250 / Re: New Rider SCARED also can't get it to stay started
« on: September 05, 2011, 03:45:16 PM »
Remember to relax. Practice will make you a better rider. We all drop our scoots or have run into things.  Rule number one:: when you start to panic let go of the throttle. Practice on back roads, I rode around a housing complet area for weeks, around and around and around. This helped to to brake, do corners, watch for kids, dogs and cars. I was only going 15-20 MPH at first-- for weeks!! I just rode on my first interstate(Highway 80) and was so scared.  Keep us posted on how your doing. Get out and get some practice.

Technical | How To / Re: 09 grand vista250 top speed issues
« on: August 31, 2011, 09:52:22 PM »
You got the GV up to 100 MPH??? You are brave. I get it to around 74-78 MPH and don't like how it feels. How fast can most of you get on this scooter??

General Discussion / Re: pet carrier
« on: August 31, 2011, 05:44:59 AM »
My dogs love to ride behind me in their cage. I get lots of looks from people. I fit both dogs in one small cage. I do worry about them getting hurt but around town should be ok.

Grandvista 250 / Re: Seat modifications?/
« on: August 30, 2011, 05:31:18 PM »
I just finished removing the front seat hinge from the 2009 GV. I replaced it with a 4 1/2 inch Ball Bearing Door Hinge. The holes on the hinge match the scooter perfectly. I used two L brackets that I attached to the hinge and under the seat. I needed to drill 4 holes in the L bracket to match the screws that are in the seat.  The con to doing this is:: the seat does not pop up anymore, I need to lift seat open and the seat does not open up as wide. I still have all the storage room. The con to this is it lowered the seat for me. I enjoy seating where the back rest goes. For me the shape of the seat here was the best. I was on tip toes and had to move myself forward to stop the scooter and safely touch the ground. This extra inch or so makes my feet almost flat footed. I will keep this adjustment.
Next I need tp make the area when the back rest was softer. Right now the raised screw hole area hits me in the lower back. I have added some 6 inch mending plates to the back rest to raise the back rest higher. The back rest pushes me forward just a bit and I like being back in that area where your butt was ment to be in. I have protected my seat cover with foam and towels so the screws on the backrest do not put holes into the seat cover. After a few days of test riding I will report back.

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