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Messages - johnpoz

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Side By Side / Re: UXV700 Making some horrible noise...
« on: April 26, 2020, 02:05:23 AM »
Hard starting seems to be a trait of the 500i and up because of the scrawny batteries they put in them. I put a Lawn & Garden battery in that storage box under the hood. Hooked extenders to the original cables, drilled a hole in the box and junked the oem battery after a season of fighting cold non-starts.

Great tip thanks! I can certainly do that, but do you have any thoughts about just replacing the standard battery with a lithium one? I've done that on several motorcycles to great effect. Those batteries are very powerful, although they're quite expensive.

Side By Side / Re: UXV700 Making some horrible noise...
« on: April 26, 2020, 02:03:20 AM »
How many miles, hours, on your machine?
Have you watched any youtubes on changing the roller weights and belt, and giving the clutch a touch up with sandpaper?

Mine has just under 2,000 miles on it, which I thought was pretty low. But I have no idea what they might have done to it before I got it.

I had not seen any of those videos, but you can rest assured that I am heading straight to youtube now to see what I can find! :-) Thanks for the feedback!

Side By Side / UXV700 Making some horrible noise...
« on: April 25, 2020, 08:20:28 PM »
Howdy all. New member here. Thanks to all who have come before. I've been learning a lot from the forums.

I have a UXV700 that is making a terrible racket. The guy who owned it before me said it's the CVT, and the balancers need to be replaced or something.  It will start (not easily), and drive, but when you give it a little gas at first it lurches if you try and go slow. When you give it a some gas, it'll take off and then seems to smooth out.

Also, if you try and operate it very slowly, like trying to park it somewhere without hitting something, it will sometimes die (was only running for a few minutes prior).

Here's a video of the noise it's making. It sounds ROUGH!  I know it's IMPOSSIBLE to ascertain from just this, but I'm hoping we can all at least speculate. Do you think this could really be a CVT issue, and I just need some sort of a kit to rebuild it or something? Or does it sound like something more nefarious.

(Sorry, I don't see how to embed a YouTube video in this post.)

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