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Messages - toddlecox

Pages: [1]
ok apon taking ramp plate off the rollers had came out of place goo call man got it all fixed up and my buddy is happy as can be thanks again.

it still does the same thing after switching entire clutch out

 :( I have been working on a friend of mines  kymco 50  he broke the drive belt so i replaced it no big deal so i thought.After putting it back together.
It would not start at first  well it wanted too but it would not rev up at all.
I then noticed the rear tire was trying to spin so I helped it out a little and it slowly revved up.It acts like the clutch is staying engaged with the engine all the time.You can run with the scooter and get it going while riding it but it has no power at all my question is did something else brake or cause the belt to break to begin with.I have   downloaded the kymco manual could my problem be the clutch weight spring or the ramp plate .Anyone have any ideas.

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