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Messages - ajrecipes

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Kymco decided to solve this issue by having Scooter World replace the whole electrical harness on the bike. I got my scooter back late last week. so far so good.

thank you for your support and advise.

Mike had contacted me early this week to say that he's in touch with the Kymco reagional sales person regarding this issue.
I'll wait until next week to see if any real action will take place.

in the mean time I've been convencing my wife since last year to get a 100 or 150 cc scooter to join me for a ride sometimes. but I think she's changing her mind after she saw how much fun I had with this ride  :-)

First of all I would like to thank everyone who joined this forum and commented or offered any advice on this issue.

This morning I have hauled the scooter back (again) to scooter world shop and I had a chance to meet with Mike.
He was very patient while I explained my frustration and the multiple incidents I’ve had since I’ve purchased this machine.

We have also realized that this scooter had a defect since the very beginning.
The second week after I purchased it the battery went dead and since then the scooter went through 4 batteries only to escalate to a much serious electrical problem.

Mike acknowledged that I have lost trust on this bike and promised not put me on it again. After all, I did have my wife follow my with a motorcycle trailer every where I went. That was not my intent when I invested in this machine.

We’ll see what Kymco will do after scooter world files a report with them on Monday.

Ok, here is the latest with my s250 electric failure.
Last Tuesday I’ve been called by scooter world shop to pick up my scooter. They said that kymco tech have advised them to replace the headlights and keep it over the weekend to make sure that everything is running properly.
Fair enough I got my scooter back and was able to enjoy riding it to work every day this week.
Tonight, however, on the way back home from the gym I was pulled over by a cop. Why? No freaking headlight!! As a matter of fact I had no lights at all.
Because of the bright street lights, I didn’t realize that my scooter was going through another electric failure.
 The cop of course asked me to turn off the motor while he’s inspecting my papers.  Of course I end up calling my wife to bring my motorcycle trailer and pick me up because I couldn’t restart the damn thing (Total electric failure! Again!).
The good thing I kept in my scooter all the paper showing the electric work done on my scooter and  the cop believed my story. (so, no ticket)
What’s next? I don’t know. But for sure I’m not ganna let kymco tech keep guessing whats wrong with it.
Its friday night, its raining, and I'm hauling my scooter home in a trailer. not happy at all.

thank you for your reply,
as it happened three times:
after I ride the scooter for a few miles the head light and dash board light go off first. then when I shot off the motor to see what's going on I can not go back and turn it back on because their is a "total electric failure". Nothing will start or work, no light, no starter, no nothing.
when I take it back to the shop they order a new converter because mine was burned out and caused a fuse to fail as well.
the motor does not shot down while riding, only when I turn it off and try to re-start.
the acceleration I have noticed that it got really weaker.
for each of these incidents Kymco takes about 2 to 3 weeks each time to ship the converter replacement only to make me go through the same process all over again.
can you tell me who is Mike. what is his contact info?
thank you for the reply and your advise.

I have a 2009 kymco people s250 purchased on April 2010 from scooter world overland park, KS.

my scooter been in and out the shop for the past 4 months. I was unable to use it this entire year due to some electric problem that neither kymco tech nor the dealer shop are able to figure out.

it was purchased to be my main transportation to work and I am greatly disappointed that kymco could not supply the proper tech support to fix this electric problem.

the shop at the dealer ship have changed the electric converter twice now. I ride the scooter for less than a mile and first the light and dash board goes off then the entire motor scooter electric system shots down unable to restart the motor.

can anyone tell me what to do. I paid more than 4k for this scooter. it still under warranty and I can not use it.

I will appreciate any advise.                       A.J

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