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Messages - amithadad

Pages: [1]
Technical | How To / Re: mechanical issue i have on the kymco 300 maxxer
« on: November 25, 2020, 09:07:24 AM »
ill give it a try. thanks!

Technical | How To / mechanical issue i have on the kymco 300 maxxer
« on: November 22, 2020, 09:51:24 PM »
I recently bought from someone a kymco 300 maxxer with problems he did not want to fix. The ATV has some problems:
The ATV goes to reverse while the lever was on neutral
When I shift from drive to neutral or reverse the ATV shuts off sometimes
When I touch the gas in neutral the engine revs with an unhealthy sound (the only way I can describe it is that it sounds like there is a lug nut shaking in the engine)
Sometimes it just doesn't want to start and I need to play with the gears in order to get it going

So from all this I think the problem is in the gearbox but I do not quite understand it so I do not know what the problem is exactly
Do you have any idea what causes this?
(sorry if I have bad English it's my second language and I haven't mastered it yet)

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