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Messages - Robdmillusa

Pages: [1]
Side By Side / Re: Access battery on UXV 450i
« on: January 24, 2021, 03:20:19 AM »
Thank you for your suggestions. I searched under the seat and the battery was not there. After exploring I found it under the hood. I now have it charging to see if it will take a charge.

Side By Side / Access battery on UXV 450i
« on: January 23, 2021, 03:33:09 AM »
I need to charge the battery on my 2017 UXV 450i. I was told it is under the seat but I can’t locate it. Does anyone have any directions or pictures they can send to me on how do find it and charge it?

Side By Side / KYMCO UXV 450i Won’t start
« on: January 12, 2021, 03:08:33 AM »
When I try starting my Kymco 450 it makes a strange noise, the lights flash on the dashboard and I quickly see the LCD screen activate before it turns off. The UTV engine does not seem to be turning on. I know it has a full tank of gas. I have linked a video of what happens when I try to start it. Any suggestions on what is wrong and how to fix it?


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