How about, my scooter has the following CDI, when I went to buy a new one, because the one I have has no advance, they sold me one that is totally different (it is original and corresponds to my chassis number). I can't change it because I bought it in Spain and I'm from Argentina.
Can someone tell me how I connect based on the cards I have from the old CDI, to the new CDI?
Attached photos in this link https://trillini-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/julito_trillini_com_ar/EiBAmtX68cJGtOGacQTkJs0BOg8VY1SfBvjaWw8JbX8gOg?e=pkFFI7
I appreciate all the possible suggestions, I have had my scooter stopped for 6 months.
Can someone tell me how I connect based on the cards I have from the old CDI, to the new CDI?
Attached photos in this link https://trillini-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/julito_trillini_com_ar/EiBAmtX68cJGtOGacQTkJs0BOg8VY1SfBvjaWw8JbX8gOg?e=pkFFI7
I appreciate all the possible suggestions, I have had my scooter stopped for 6 months.