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Messages - Durdle

Pages: [1]
Good to know there are a few ak 550 owners out there.  I don't think this bike was introduced in the US until 2021 (could be wrong), anyway I bought an ak550 3 weeks ago from a dealer in Phoenix, az.  It was the company's demo and had 438 miles on lit.  I was always reluctant to buy a demo "cuz it could have been ridden hard in the 1st couple of hundred miles.  This one though was in perfect condition with absolutely no problems. I'm very happy since I have had many scooters in my life but not one with the power of a motorcycle.

To address the problem you brought up.  I find that I get intermittent vibration (thru the foot board) when I not putting the engine under load such as when I'm going 56-60 on level ground while backing off the throttle a bit and not losing speed. Otherwise I don't get the feeling.  I have a Piaggio BV 500 also and find that that happens to it as well but not as noticeable. I suspect this will go away with more bread-in time. 
WEL, thanks for starting a conversation.

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