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Messages - Vameto

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Re: Kymco agility city 50cc does not start
« on: April 27, 2021, 10:18:25 AM »
1-What is the condition of the battery?
2-What is the condition of the starter motor?

The battery is new, it is not the battery i tried with 3 different batteries and the battery from the car while the car engine is working.
The starter motor is new, the same happens with the old ent with the new starter motor.
All of the parts i  tested with are new parts.

Agility 50 / Kymco agility city 50cc does not start
« on: April 26, 2021, 10:09:48 PM »
Hello this is my first post here.
I have Kymco agility city 50 with 16` tires made 2012 april with 164036km, the number on the motor is KL10B.
The scooter doesn't start,  when i press the start button the starter does not turn very fast/strong, when i turn the acceleration handle the starter then turns even slower, only one turn at a time i hold the start button but the starter and the motor doesn't turn continuously, makes one turn then another and so on.
After continuous trying to start  for 30-40 seconds the red wire from the battery, the starter and the starter connector , the start relay are all getting quite hot and the back brake cable is getting hot.
I checked the wires and the connectors, there are no bad or oxidized connections or shorted wires. I removed the 7,5A fuses on the red and black wires and connected the wires. That is just for now just to eliminate bad connections with the fuses.
Is there anything else beside the brake cable in the back brake cable housing/carrier? why would the brake cable getting hot, does electricity run trough there?

I checked the spark plug, it does give good spark. I also tried with another spark plug, another cdi, another starter coil, another stator, another starter and with another bendix. I bought new 10,5A battery, also tried with the battery from my car.  I checked for fuel there is fuel in the cylinder, the spark plug is wet  and smells on fuel,  i tried also with another carburator and i tested the auto bystarter on both carburators they are good. I tried without air filter and with another air filter. The fuel hoses and the petcock are new.
I have 60cc set and tried with that but than the scooter turns even slower.
I checked the valve adjustment and the clearance is 0.04, good according to kymco service manual, the timing is also good.
I can't try with the kickstart, the hole where the kick start idle gear is sitting is damaged, is to lose and the idle gear does not turn properly when i press the kickstart the kick start idle gear shifts and it gets stuck. I removed the kick start idle gear so it wont make problems.
What more can i do/check, i am going crazy?
Any ideas and suggestions are welcome .

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