Technical | How To / Odd Electrical Phenomenon
« on: January 25, 2022, 07:54:10 PM »
I also have a threadstarter that talks about putting in a POST (+) to jumpstart the AK550. Much less than a year old, I recently had insufficient voltage <12.2V to activate the starter. I have a 'pigtail' to the battery so that I would occasionally top off the battery with an 'intelligent' charger should I not ride in a while. In this case, temps in FL were still in the warm range, and was surprised to have battery issues. I hooked up the intelligent charger for 1 minute, or less, still not believing I couldn't start the AK550 with slightly less than 12.2 VDC, and it started right up, with what appeared to be no problem. Is the starting voltage threshhold that critical, and why I want to put in a jump start post (+).